Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Would you ever get a bikini wax?

I have had this conversation with many girlfriends, and while some swear by it, others won't even consider trying it.

A few years ago I...

...decided to go for it, and was hooked!  The pain was pretty bad, but the results were worth it and I stuck with it for a year.  

However, when I switched from sugaring to waxing, while less painful, it's rougher on your skin and can cause outbreaks or ingrowns which was a bummer.  Eventually, I decided to stop but every now and again I toy with the idea of doing it again (and then I remember how much of a wuss I am!).

What about you, would you get your bikini waxed?  Have you?



  1. Honey, waxing is so 2014.
    I started laser hair removal at Ottawa Laser clinic with Alison. After 2 sessions, I virtually have no unwanted hair!
    Do it before summer arrives!
    She has amazing new machines that cover more surface and hurt way less!
    Tell her Chantsy referred you ;)

  2. @Chantal: haha I've seen you repping Alison on FB before! I have considered laser, but am worried about the pain (again)!! TELL ME MORRRRRE.

  3. I haaaaaated waxing! It was so painful. I opted for laser (with a groupon!) and loved it. It's painful, and gets more painful each time till your done BUT the results are amazing and forever. For the last couple of sessions Id take a Tylenol right before. Considering it lasts for life, the pain is worth it. Waxing was worse in my opinion.

  4. @Jenny R: it gets worse as the sessions go on?! EEP--but, like you said, permanent which is just incredible.

  5. @Jenny R: it gets worse as the sessions go on?! EEP--but, like you said, permanent which is just incredible.

  6. Couple of things about laser hair removal before anyone decides to spend the $$..... It works BEST on very fair skin with very dark hair. So keep that in mind if you have darker skin with lighter hair, your results may not be as spectacular or permanent as you expect. Also, I don't know if I agree with the statement above from Jenny R that it gets more painful with each session. Perhaps your technician used a stronger laser setting for each visit? I would ask about that. Also, it isn't really permanent. You have to keep going for maintenance visits after the initial sessions. I stopped lasering and there is re-growth in some areas. But yes some areas have never grown back. Each person is different so you have to consider that before you spend the money.

  7. I have been waxing for about 15 years and it's a Brazilian not only a bikini. It got to the point where it was getting pricey so now I do it myself and love it.

  8. I went for a wax once but was disappointed with the cost. Then I went and bought an epilator. I have been epilating my legs, underarms and bikini area (full brazilian actually) for about 25 years now. It was extremely painful at first but since I had invested $100 in the epilator I didn't give up. I'm so glad that I kept it up because I haven't bought razors in 25 years now and have saved so much money.

  9. @MelMac: that's helpful thanks for that; I have heard that about lighter skin and darker hair.

    @KA$HA: I'm with you, Brazilian all the way. I waxed myself recently and just can NOT get in all those places! :P Kudos to you girl!!!!

    @Cheryl: wow, that's impressive!! 25 years!? AMAZING! Must be worth it :D

  10. @MelMac: that's helpful thanks for that; I have heard that about lighter skin and darker hair.

    @KA$HA: I'm with you, Brazilian all the way. I waxed myself recently and just can NOT get in all those places! :P Kudos to you girl!!!!

    @Cheryl: wow, that's impressive!! 25 years!? AMAZING! Must be worth it :D

  11. I've gotten Brazilian waxes many many times, but for some reason I stopped and now I'm way too chicken to get it done again (some people make it SO painful). Now I just shave :(

    I think I need to get laser done one of these days.

  12. Oh girl - you need to laser that crap right off!! I had my bikini line lasered 15 years ago back when it was SUPER expensive, and it was painful!! I still have *no* regrowth at all, have never needed a touch up.

    This year, I used Groupons to get my underarms and lower legs done and OMG, I could *not* believe the difference - no pain at all! The modern IPL lasers cause almost no sensation at for those feeling pain, the laser must be quite out of date. My legs and underarms are now bare and smooth -- FREEDOM!

    Best best BEST money ever spent, I tell you!!!

  13. @Nancy: I know!! I'm with you--I did it before and now I feel like a wussy!! :P

    @Ann: ahhhhh that's crazy, really!?!?!? AMAZING!! You are seriously making me consider this! Thanks for chiming in :D much appreciated!


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