Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Do you pee with the bathroom door open?

I grew up in a fairly open family where I wasn't worried someone would come barging in if I didn't lock the bathroom door and also felt it wasn't a huge deal to not latch the door completely.  Everyone respected each other's privacy and bodily functions were definitely never something to be ashamed of.

That said, in the past, after getting comfortable with a boyfriend, peeing with the door open wasn't a huge deal, however with Marco...

...we always shut the door.  A rule he enforces and something I appreciate after a couple years together.  It keeps something very normal and simple private, but on the flip side, protects the sexy image you have of one another.

I know this isn't for everyone, and with friends, we seem to be the minority, but, I'd love to hear your thoughts; sound off in the comments below!



  1. Oh jeezzzz this is always a topic with my boyfriend and I! We've been living together for a year and a half and I always pee with the door open....even if I close it my dog opens it so I've just given up! I really don't care....every time he yells CLOSE THE DOOR (in a joking way)!....He on the other hand closes the door every time....I think girls are just less private about these things because we are use to going to the bathroom with our friends and doing anything and everything in front of them...

  2. @Amanda: Ahahah Marco yells, 'Close the door!' to me too! Maybe you're right, less private but then again, guys have to shower together in that big communal stall sometimes...

  3. I have been with my husband since I was 18, so 9 years now. I am more comfortable with him than anyone else. With that said, he will NEVER see me pee, lol. Some things are just better left private in my opinion.

  4. I always close the door and find it uncomfortable when my husband doesn't. He was FAR more open about bodily functions, it probably comes from being the only boy in his house. And I say 'was' because I'm slowly changing that... no more farting at the dinner table! Ewwwww

  5. I definitely think things like going to the bathroom should be kept private, even in relationships. Sure, we all know what the other person is doing in the bathroom, but do they (or do we) really want/need an audience while you're in there? I definitely don't.

  6. When my husband is NOT home, it's doors wide open. But when he is home I will shut the door...for sure. Lol.

  7. Haha, I initially thought Marco was the cat, and you closed to door to keep him out of the toilet (ref photograph)! :-D

    Currently single, my bathroom door is always open and it has become such a habit that I really have to focus to remember to close it when I have visitors or when I'm using the loo at other people's houses.

    With my last live-in boyfriend, we mostly kept the door shut. Men make a racket when they pee... ;-)


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