Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm doing Vlogmas!

This year I have decided to partake in Vlogmas or Vlogcember which is essentially vlogging everyday until Christmas.  I tried last year but gave up after a couple days because it is a bit of a commitment filming your day and editing it altogether at night.  However, it's been a fun process so far and I love watching others so here we are.  Additionally I can imagine it will be nice to look back watch in a year or two from now, just as it is re-reading older blog posts.

I have been consistent with my uploads and you can see all the videos here under my 'Vlogmas' playlist.  If you'd like to check out my other fashion, hair, make-up and lifestyle videos you can do so on my YouTube channel (I'm acoest1984).

Thanks for watching! xo



  1. So fun! Especially since you're in Toronto. I don't take enough videos, but you're right that they'd be so fun to look back on. Home vids from when I was a kid are so hilarious. Ahh now it's stressing me out that I have no videos of anything much for my whole adulthood.

  2. Aren't you supposed to do it every day then?

  3. @Jill Sarah: haha get filming then! :D

    @Ashley: I am, they are posted daily on my YouTube channel... wasn't planning on posting them all here since it's daily... maybe I should?

  4. I don't know; seems weird to post some on here and not all of them. But, up to you.

  5. You're doing a great job with Vlogmas! Def a big commitment but when it's done I am sure you'll be glad you did it!


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