Monday, December 29, 2014

A Few Photos from Christmas

Christmas has come and gone but I like to keep the spirit alive by keeping our tree up for a couple more weeks and of course, sharing a few photos.

We had a busy couple days between traveling to see Marco's family on Christmas Eve and coming back to town on Christmas to spend it with mine, but it was great.  We opened gifts with his family, exchanged stockings that night between each other and then exchanged our gifts the next day.

I didn't take a ton of photos but we got a few gems including the three trees, dinner and a couple gifts.

More photos after the jump...



  1. Great pictures!! I love the one of Peanut, she looks good for 15 years old!!!

  2. Merry Christmas boo!! I hope 2015 is the best year yet for you. Lots of love sent your way xo

  3. Looks like a wonderful Christmas, and I looove your nails! Happy New Year!


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