Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Would you ever date someone younger?

Maybe you are currently dating someone younger, or maybe you have in the past?

I wanted to bring back the Let's Chat (Wednesdays) because it's interactive and I love hearing what you have to say on various topics.

For myself, although there is a small age gap between Marco and myself, he is older and there is something sexy and attractive about that.  Despite being a team, I love looking up to him, in a sense, for the wisdom he has gained in the few years longer he's been around (sounds kind of silly, but at the same time endearing). 

Your turn: would you date someone younger?  If you have, do you prefer it or feel neutral on the subject altogether?



  1. I married someone 2~ years younger than me! At first when we met, I thought he was joking about his younger age and I pfth'ed at the fact and almost decided to put an end to it. But then he didn't seem to mind the "difference". Like I'm to say anything, my parents are 20 years apart! hahaha. At least I act younger than my husband. I guess that's a good thing.

  2. I am more attracted to older guys, like you said they have more expereince of the world so no I dont think I could date a younger guy. Love this post girl, keep em coming.

  3. I never thought I could, but my current boyfriend is a few years younger than me. At first it felt weird but now I don't even think about his age--he's very mature and is more established than I am. And I may act a little younger than my age, so I like to think we meet in the middle perfectly.

    1. I would feel the same way but as you said, he's more mature and established which makes a big difference! Love it :)

  4. My husband is 2 years younger than me and it's a joke that I'm a cradle robber ! But we both act so inappropriatly immature that it's not an issue but ALOT of fun!! He'll always be my young stud!!:)

  5. I have dated younger in the past and never will again. She was so consumed by facebook, instagram and twitter that she lived to make moments to flaunt on those platforms instead of living in the moment.

  6. I've dated younger in the past & didn't like it. My husband is 3 years older than me & I totally agree with out know how you look up to Marco. I'm always asking him for advice on something!

  7. My bf is 2 yrs younger (31 and 29) and honestly it's ridiculous and annoying what a big deal people make out of it!

  8. I don't think I would, but it depends on the age bracket. The age difference between someone in their early 30s and early to mid-twenties, or someone in their early 20s to late teens can sometimes be pretty vast - but early 30s to late 20s or early 40s and anywhere in the 30s is probably not that big of a deal. My husband is 3 years older than I am and I love that he's older; it's definitely sexy.

    I also agree that people who are too into Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are super annoying. It's such a self-indulgent, colossal waste of time in so many ways. People pretend that they just want to share their lives but really it's just that they want the attention.

  9. My bf is younger than me by two years but I don't see any difference in other relationships I've had aside from him being not an ass. :)
    I also think about how men die much younger than women and so time is more on our side in that way. I won't be alone for as long in the very distant future.

  10. I date younger (13 years young than me)a youngeract to crazy sometimes was fun but when have to be acting like adult he didn't and I didn't like it. the older 25 years older than me (older are to many problems too. they don't like someone tell them what to do but they don't help in the relationship because older people don't change if they because they live their life of their ways and don't want to change . I think have to be like your age and have same thoug about life and similar likes too

    1. I totally agree; similar interests and a willingness to do things together is a must.

  11. I think you date the person, not the age. Many guys in their 20's are more mature than men in their 40's that I know, and vice versa; age is all relative. My bf is 4 years younger than me, but most people think he's the older one ;)

  12. I think maturity depends on other things than age. My hubby is about 3.5 years younger than me. I know men who are older who are less mature than he I think it all depends on the person. There is something attractive, though, about dating a man who is older than you...I don't know why though, lol!

  13. I like Alicia's comment! My husband is younger (not by much). Most wouldn't know it - he looks and acts older then me! :P

  14. I have been with my now husband for almost 8 years. Married for almost 4. He is, wait for it...14 years younger than me. We get along great and can't image our loves without each other. It works for us. It may not work for everyone. BUt I am grateful that it does for us.

  15. @Alicia: I totally didn't know M was younger than you! HA! Perfect example, and yes, I thought he was a little older :P

    @Anon: 14 years? Awesome!! When you click you click, right? Thanks for sharing, I loved your comment :)

  16. I've normally dated guys my age or a few years older than me....but my current boyfriend is actually 3 years younger than me and 100% more driven, goal oriented and successful than the older guys I've been with.

    At first I was a little apprehensive about it and about telling people his age...but age is a number and to me it doesn't matter because who he is and what he has accomplished is what makes me proud of him and proud to say I'm dating him.

    1. Love this, Amanda!! Yes, absolutely just a number. Sounds like quite the catch!

  17. Ryan and I have been together for almost 11 years, hes a year and a half older than I am. It's not much and we barely notice, the odd time ya but its the love that counts <3 I do however have a bunch of friends that have a huuuge age gap in their relationships, one couple has a difference of 17 years; 21 and 38, it was weird at first but I think they're quite good together. And they just had a baby :) other friends of mine have a 10 year gap; 20 and 30, and there more immature than the others lol although I love them all, in the end - if its true love, it doesn't matter xo

  18. My husband is 9 years younger than me. I had dated several men before him who were my age or older. Many just weren't ready to settle down. Then my husband came along.

    We have so much in common and our marriage is still going strong after 20 years.

    1. Incredible! 20 years! Wow, what a beautiful thing to hear 💜


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