Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Crop Tops + Other Trends That Aren't for Me

I have a confession:  I have been feeling mighty discouraged lately while shopping.  I'm hoping a few of you are with me on this one, hence why I'm sharing.

While I love the crop top trend, it is simply not for me.  My mid section is not something I'm going to be baring, although I wish I could.  Additionally, the trends for this Spring are very body-concious, with lots of skin showing.  Crop tops, maxis with cut-outs and oblique-baring muscle tees.  It's frustrating when you want to be on trend and participate in the trends and your body doesn't quite match up.  However, I'm a firm believer in dressing to flatter your body type and these aren't my most flattering items.

The crop top I'm wearing above is something I really do love, and paired with a high-waist skirt, you're still getting the full effect of the trend.  That said, the skirt is body-concious so definitely not the most comfortable (ie. suck it in!).

Are there any trends you're wishing would work on you but just don't?  Sound off in the comments below, I'd love to hear!



  1. I'm with you on the crop tops. I don't think they're particularly flattering on anyone who has a chest, unfortunately.

  2. I definitely won't be taking part in the midriff baring part of the crop top trend, although with a high-waisted skirt/jeans/shorts I might try it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. She never said we all assume she can. She's just stating that these trends might not be for her...

  4. I want be wearing crop tops or acid wash. Didn't like it back then, not everyone can pull it off nicely.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I don't get why most of you need to be rude and call her and move on with your day! It's sad really

  6. @Jenna: Negative comments aren't welcome on my site.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. @Jenna: thank you for your honesty and for reading my blog. It's sad to hear you think I come across as self involved, however, this is a blog about my life so maybe that's why. Please keep in mind I don't share my whole life here. Simply snippets of good times and exciting things going on, but rest assured I face hardships, emotions and bad days like everyone else. If I'm not relate able to you, you don't have to come here and read this. However, if you do enjoy it, please try to keep your comments positive as that is the tone I try to set here. Cheers.

  8. I am short-waisted so high-waisted pants and skirts make me look SO awkward. And while I could probably get away with a crop top, I just don't like the way they look on me. Plus, I want to be able to sit down without worrying about belly rolls developing! I've had a hard time shopping lately, too.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hi Amanda,

    i sended a message in your inbox at YT please check it. :)



  11. How is asking what trends other people don't think work on them self absorbed anyways?? Some people just have nothing better to do then be negative I guess... I never find the blog self absorbed.. It's about your life so obv it's going to be about you!

  12. I am with you! I tried the crop top trend, it made me look even shorter than I am. When I paired it with a high waisted skirt or jean, the United Nations called and told me I was committing a crime against humanity. No butt should look that long and round. It was a very over-whelming look for my small frame.

    This looks like another trend I will wait for to pass.


  13. @Anon: thanks :)

    @Jenn: LOL!! Hilarious (United Nations...)

  14. Am I the only one who things it's strange that all the trends we were happy about leaving behind in the 90s are coming back full force?! I'm all due high wasted but there are some serious mom jeans coming back in that I think should stay away.. Who knew all those poor moms on What Not to Wear were really just ahead of the curve haha ;)

    1. I apologize for all the autocorrect errors!

  15. @Anon: LOL "ahead of the curve"!!! Too funny. I cringe a little myself at the mom-jeans epidemic that is happening. I remember after YEARS of coaxing FINALLY getting my own mom out of her mom jeans when I was a teen LOL.

  16. I'm currently in *lurve* with my belly (lots of work both in and out of the kitchen) but am NOT about to sport a crop top. I'm not sure 'who' they're 'meant' to look 'good' on... I would MAYBE entertain wearing one over a bikini, but not as part of an outfit that I put on to go out anywhere other than a pool or beach.
    Like your solution of pairing with something high wasted! Wonder what the next trend-revival will be... grunge?? *cringe*

  17. To the anonymous person above who doesn't have the stones to use their real name - Amanda didn't ask what trends people think work for them - or if she did, fine, but that's not what I commented on - she said she knows people assume that she could wear the trends that she's discussing in this post - and then she removed that statement as soon as I commented on it. If you're going to say something arrogant like that, then at least have the guts to stand by it...don't delete it and pretend it was never there, and accuse someone who comments on it of being "negative". I simply have a different opinion.

    Also, I sometimes find you self-involved because of the way you say things and that you seem overly impressed with yourself (not to be confused with being confident) -and not because this blog is about your life...just an observation for you to consider - or, delete and pretend to everyone that this comment was never here.

  18. Oh brother....chill out Jenna....and I am boldly using my own name while "calling you out"
    on your irrelevant, negative, attention-seeking, self justifying RANT... AMANDA ROCKS period! You need to take a page from her book...and LET IT GO!!! Have an amazing remainder of day Jenna! :-)

  19. Freedom of speech.. putting yourself out there on a forum like this is bound to attract some negative attention along with positive (isn't attention kind of the point?). Deleting comments doesn't mean she let it go, ignoring and moving on does.

    Having a blog about your life is self-involved in itself and it can often come across as overly impressed with yourself if there are constant photos and updates (at the gym?..)

    From what comments are left, it sounds like Jenna was trying to give Amanda something to think about, maybe a different perspective on how she comes across? Instead of getting upset about it, maybe consider why she came to that conclusion in the first place without just assuming she's an "irrelevant, negative, attention-seeking" hater. Who knows, everyone may learn something.


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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