Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a great new years eve, whether it was spent at home for a quiet evening in or out on the town or at a party.  A few of us went to a friend's place for some drinks and food--I made this qunoia chilli--but it was pretty tame.

I made these fun photo props after seeing this tutorial.  I ended up using tinsel (cut up into shards) and dowels so we could hold onto them--they were a big hit!

I haven't forgotten about my resolutions, which I'll be sharing later this week.  Happy new year!



  1. Those numbers are amazing! They look so cute.

    Its funny how low-key seems to be the option of choice lately. No reason to break the bank :)

    Happy 2014

  2. What nail polish are you wearing in the ring picture (wicked cute btw)? I am obsessed with the color.

  3. The props are a great idea. Cute!


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