Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gluten-Free, Vegan, Coconut Banana Bites

Do you guys remember those banana-coconut snakaroos I picked up at Marshalls a few weekends ago?  Well, they were amazing, but that small bag was seriously $9, which was a lot crazy, but I was feeling frivolous.

Fast forward two more trips to Marshalls and my mouth was watering for them again but I wouldn't let myself splurge.  Instead, I picked up a few missing ingredients and attempted to make them the other night.  And guess what:  amazeballs.  Yep.  A-maze.  Balls.  Or, bites.  Either way, here's how I did it:

* 1 banana  preferably super ripe, but mine wasn't
* 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
* 1/3 cup rolled oats
* 4 tbsp coconut oil
* 2 tbsp chia seeds  optional
* 3/4 scoop chocolate protein powder  optional

Make it:
Mash it all together with a fork.  If it's too dry, add some coconut oil.  If it's too wet, add some coconut and/or oats.  

Once you get a sticky, yet thick consistency--I seriously eye balled all the ingredients so my measurements are estimates--use your hands and make bite size balls.

More like two-bite, sized balls.

Eat immediately or refrigerate and share with friends who appreciate healthy snacks that don't taste healthy.


1 comment

  1. These look so good & super easy to make, which is nice considering it is impossible for me to make something with tons of ingredients!


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