Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A.Co est. 1984 | Blog Redesign

A make-over for my site has been a long time coming and while I will eventually switch over to another platform and get more customized, I'm really happy to share with you a more streamlined version of my blog.

So what's changed?

|  There are navigational pages at the top, so if you're new--or not--you can easily find your way around.

|  The search bar has moved up to the top and you can easily access all my social media links below it.

|  The formatting is a little different, and I'm really pleased with how my posts align now, with the title front and centre along with the date.

|  Another cool option, you can share all posts with one click!  Below each post, there is a Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest option for sharing, which will open up a share window for you to easily post to your favourite social media site--that is, if you want to share something.

|  I created a new header to be congruous with my business cards, Style Consulting business and other social media platforms. 

And finally, the design was done by Mlekoshi Playground & offered by

As always, thanks so much for coming here and checking out what I'm up to.  I hope you like the new layout and find it more pleasing to the eye and easier to read.  Feedback is welcome as I want this to be a place you want to come, enjoy and like looking at.



  1. I love love love the new blog design!! Yay!

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. Love the new design!! I've been reading your blog for so long and remember the template back in the day with the header that had all of the shoes! You've come such a long way since then, it's so amazing to see your progress!

  3. Oh I remember the shoe header too! ***ahh memories!! lol

    Love the new design lady! It looks ahhh-mazing!

  4. WOW I love this design. It's very sleek and sophisticated; just like you!

  5. Great job Amanda- its clean, navigable and modern! P.S. I clicked the link about your marital status - just b/c I adore you and was interested to learn more about you...this was obviously not an easy piece to write or share at that time and having known you just in the last few months - I am so pleased to see you in such a wonderful place in your current life...everything DOES happen for a good reason. Love,hugs and blessings ALWAYS!

  6. The new design is amazing. I really like it!

  7. Love the new look, very sleek!


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