Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Have you ever re-gifted something?

The holiday season is upon us and I asked you all on Facebook if you had any topics to suggest for the next LCW (Let's Chat Wednesday--thanks Kate) and someone suggested holidays traditions and re-gifting.  So without further adieu…

I think I might have re-gifted something once or twice, but I don't tend to make it a habit.  Additionally, if I'm going to re-gift something, I'm going to add another item to beef up my gift, so to speak.

One thing I love re-gifting for though is a hostess gift.  If someone gave you something like a spa kit, a bottle of wine, or something for the home that isn't necessarily your taste, I would see nothing wrong with passing that brand new item onto someone who will truly love it.  Additionally, a hostess gift is not a gift you had to give, but a nice gesture.

Thoughts on re-gifting?  Would you?



  1. I have re-gifted twice. I got a Brighton keychain once that was perfect for my grandma so I gave it to her. She loved it. I also got an ornament but I dont have a tree at my house so I gave it to a friend but spiced it up a bit and made it into a "wrecking ball" with Miley on top.

  2. I totally think that re-gifting is acceptable. UNLESS the gift is truly awful; I received a frame from the Dollar Store that I wouldn't re-gift to my worst enemy. I don't think that recycling the gift to give to someone who you know will appreciate it is a bad idea. Beefing the gift up with some extras is a nice touch too.

    P.S. I love the "wrecking ball" ornament re-gift ;-)

  3. I regift sometimes. I don't have my ears pierced, so if and when I get earrings as a gift, I pass them along to my mother at the next occasion.

  4. I will regift gift cards or certificates that I receive and I know that I won't use. I have seen some of my gifts regifted and I am ok with that.

  5. I'll re-gift for sure if someone gives me something I will absolutely never ever use and is not to my taste at all. A friend brought me a tribal bowl from Nicaragua for my house which I have absolutely no place to put and which doesn't match with a single thing in my home, so I have it to someone who likes that type of thing. I also have re-gifted wine if someone gives me a type I've tried previously and disliked.

  6. i regift my kids' bday gifts... just have keep track of whom you received it from! =)


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