Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone snaps

I wore my new shoes two days in a row last weekend since (1) I gave myself a pedicure, and (2) the weather is really cooling down and it will be too cold to wear these soon--okay and (3) I love them a lot.

Pretty flowers from Mel.

At the Catalina Wine Mixer on Friday night; an annual party that took place at a different location this year.  See our picture from last year--when we first started dating.

The semi-spread; which grew over the evening with samosas and more yummy treats.

Finally getting together with Melissa from Welcome to Planet MelMac--and giver of flowers.
Outfit deets:  Suzy Shier top (old), Foxy jeans, thrifted belt & Ardene flats.

Saturday was a complete write off but I managed to go to Five Guys with my guy and chow down on the most delicious fries ever... and a really great burger.  I'm not much of a fry person, I like them, but rarely eat them.  Saturday though?  I practically wrestled Marco for my fair share of half the cup.

Sunday morning breakfast.  I didn't eat the sausage, it just wasn't agreeing with me.

Sunday morning get-up: comfy & very casual.

Sunday afternoon I pulled myself together to film my next Place d'Orleans video!  It's all about Fall Fashion Trends and I picked up some wicked stuff that I'm excited to share with you.  This was one of the looks.

Sunday late afternoon I finished filming and spent the evening editing.  Afterwards, I watched the season and series finale of Dexter--ummm, wtf?--which I'm so sad to see end.

Happy Monday!



  1. Awwww thanks for all of the fun A.Co! It was so awesome to FINALLY meet you. If your readers wondering if you are as sweet and beautiful as you appear on your blog, the answer is YES X10!

  2. @MelMac: :) :) awwwwww MelMaccccc!! Not only are you soo sweet, you are also "sooo pretty" ;)

  3. I really like your shoes in the first picture, the intricate design is gorgeous! I'm not much of a heels person, so that design on a pair of flats would totally be a buy for me haha!


  4. Always love looking at your pics. You're so stylish. Love the last pair of leather (?) sneakers!

  5. Love your Place d'Orleans outfit. Can't wait to see more on the next video!

  6. In your opinion, where is the best place to find skinny pants that fit really well and are not super expensive? Love the ones you're wearing in the second last picture.

  7. @Kate: I guess it depends on your body type, I love Joe Fresh and Forever 21, but those pants suck on me and never fit right. Sirens, Target, H&M, Zara, Urban Planet and Smart Set have all been pretty good fits. The ones I'm wearing in the second last pic are from H&M and I got them about a year ago. :)

  8. Your weekends always look so fun, cant wait to see your next video! :-)

  9. Love that jacket in the last pic (green & black one). Where is that from?

    Have you tried Hintonburger yet? Most delicious burger e.v.e.r!!!

  10. @Anon: that's so sweet, thanks!! Trust me, it's not ALWAYS that fun, it can be boring or very regular, lol!

    @Kelly: Thanks! It's from Dynamite :) and HELL YES I've tried and been to Hintonburger MANY times. I agree, THE BEST and we were going to go there but the plans didn't work out with where cars were left overnight at the party, etc. :)


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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