Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Everyday Make-Up Routine

OMG, this was a difficult video to film.  Big ups and shout outs to alllllllll my beauty gurus out there, girlllllllllll you be puttin' in WERK. 

First off, sorry for the terrible lighting; I weighed out my options in my head after I filmed this and saw how terrible the lighting was (it was a sunny day, and I got all set up to film and it started to rain! UGH!).  Option 1: cancel this entire video. Option 2: edit and upload it despite it being kind of crappy and at least get a video up.  


I chose option #2.

Hoorah?  Please say hoorah.

Secondly, this is clearly not a tutorial.  I shared the products I used in the video quickly, but I'm mainly just showing you my everyday face/make-up routine.  I often use BB cream (especially in the summer) but used foundation for the sake of the video (bc sometimes I used that too :)

WEAR SUNSCREEN my friends.  I rock this everyday, it's my moisturizer and SPF in one and goes on before anything else.  I've been wearing sunscreen on my face and neck everyday for over six years and haven't been in a tanning bed for longer than that.  PROTECT YO FACE.

Hope you enjoyed and sorry for the shoddy-ness...I had a ghetto-esque set up of boxes piled on top of each others to prop up a mirror and can I just say applying liquid liner on camera is next to impossible!?  It is.  Trust moi.

Okay bye.

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I also create monthly videos for Place d'Orleans;  check me out on their YouTube channel HERE.


1 comment

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the music in this video. I want to use it in one of mine! Please tell me what it is! (K I kinda know the middle song - but the beginning one...that's a nice tune lol)

    You do your make up sooo different than me. I actually bought a L'Oreal True Match concealer this week, kinda liking it. But it does crease if I accidentally apply too much. Oops.

    I have a beauty blender - haven't used it yet. More a fan of brushes. But then again I don't really know until I've used it. Can't judge, right? lol.

    I love the way eyeliner looks on people and makes their eyes pop, and finishes off the look completely. I suck at it, so I rarely remember to do it.

    P.S: Pffth. I thought the lighting was fine? Maybe it's because you have such a nice camera to film on. I don't know how to get my good camera to film and export into Windows Movie Maker. #firstworldproblems

    Guess this is my new thing now, leaving long blog comments. Sarry.


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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