Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Do you expose your toes at work?

I have never given a second thought as to exposing my toes at work, despite knowing it used to be a faux pas. 

I personally think that it is completely acceptable now in a business casual environment.  What made me think twice about this was seeing a woman's gross looking, unpolished toes in the bathroom stall next to me the other day.  Ick.

I think there is something to be said about feet that aren't taken care of and in my personal opinion, those feet and toes should not be exposed.  Ain't nobody got time--or the stomach--for that (at work).

Agree or disagree?  What are your thoughts?
All of the photos above are outfits and shoes I've worn to work.  I noticed recently that I actually own more toe-exposing shoes than not... This was of course noticed on a day where my feet were not up to par and I need to keep them hidden until I had time to give myself a pedi!

Thanks for your comments & suggestions for Let's Chat, I'm going to keep the series and would love use your suggestions in the coming weeks.  If you have a topic suggestion, please leave it below.  Thanks for reading and your support, love you guys!


  1. I definitely wear both open and closed toe shoes, and I work in a business casual office setting too. When it's hot in the summer (and Kingston gets hot let me tell you), sandals are a nice change. The only faux pas I would say is never ever wear flip flops! I think a nice wedge or strappy sandal is great this time of year!

  2. I agree with the above. I do wear flip flops on Fridays sometimes; my office is a bit more relaxed when it comes to dress code. I love wedges and strappy sandals but they require a nice pedi. I used to work in an office where you couldn't have exposed toes but wearing panty hose over your feet was okay if you had exposed toes. Ummmm..... Ewww! That looks just as bad! LOL

  3. My current office is fairly casual, so sandals are worn by all! Though, if my toes aren't looking great I stick to closed toe shoes until I can get a pedi.

    At my old job, you were REQUIRED to wear pantyhose every day, even in the summer. (Business professional environment). could wear open-toe shoes. As long as you had pantyhose on. thank you!

  4. I previously worked in banking and never wore open toe shoes. I just switched jobs though and with a more casual environment I'm loving all of the options there are and how cute outfits look with sandals and wedges! I totally agree about having groomed toes...nothing worse and unprofessional than looking at some nasty toes!!


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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