Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

So after my big, long post about going Gluten-free, I had this.  The bf really wanted this for dinner, and sometimes we need to compromise (haha); at the same time, I felt pretty crappy after the fact despite it being delicious.

Saturday trip to Ogdensburg, NY to pick up my new summer tires for my car.

Kiki getting her new wheels.

Once we got back into town, we went for a late breakfast on a patio.  Welcome back, Summer!

Saturday afternoon I went shopping but not before giving my girl a bath.  Couldn't resist snapping this shot.

Saw these heels at Aldo and posted them on FB.  I think I need these in my life very, very soon (the black).

Saturday night we grabbed some take-out and sat by the canal to eat.  So peaceful, warm and we saw some ducks too (& fed them!).

On Sunday morning I got an early start to my day as I knew it'd be a long one...

...I filmed all day long and into the evening only to discover (after hours of filming an over an hour of importing the footage) that my lighting was terrible and my focus was off the entire time.  Argh!  Have to re-film tonight; what a frustrating day.

A mid-editing afternoon snack.

Doesn't dinner always taste better when someone else makes it?

Happy Monday!


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