Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday afternoon my bestie and I hit up Montana's for lunch and I ordered the steak salad (my fave because it comes with these little crusted-deep-fried jalepenos on top.  And steak, of course).

Friday night I did some shopping and picked up the things you see above plus more (which I will share in an upcoming vlog).  See me in the denim jacket HERE.

On Saturday, we played in a pairs volleyball tournament.  We played six games and went to the finals. We won our sixth game and placed first and got gold medals (such a surprise!).

...afterwards, we went out for burgers to celebrate.
"Lettuce, tomatoes, mustard & extra pickles please."

On Saturday night I went to a wine & cheese party... sort of... I say sort of because it turned into more of a wine & UFC party.
Outfit deets:  Marshalls top (can't remember the brand but it's new), Roxy denim (old) & H&M necklace (old).

A friend made these amazing canapés with fois gras, goat cheese, cherry tomatos and a few other decadent ingredients.

On Sunday morning my bestie and I had plans to meet for breakfast.  She suggested we invite my parent's along since we were in the neighbourhood.  I didn't eat that toast.

Afterwards we hit up Value Village and did some scouring.  I'm going to vlog what I bought but here's what I wore (yes, those pants again, but I misplanned, ran late, wasn't home and blah blah blah.  I never re-wear items without washing them--kind of anal like that--so not sure what got into me here).
Outfit deets:  Men's G21 (Walmart) tee with rolled sleeves, Roxy denim, hi-top wedges, Urban Planet belt, H&M necklace & Pier 1 ring.

Sunday night was a rooftop and a BBQ and some new friends which was really fun.  Summer and warm weather is finally here and we all took full advantage of.

 My guy's best girl pal lives in a beautiful condo downtown and her balcony is awesome.
Outfit deets:  Old Navy tee (old), Max Studio skirt (I wore almost this exact outfit while picking up myu impounded car last summer.  Read that story HERE.) & Alfred Sung shades.

Grilled zuchinni, roasted potates & BBQ chicken.  #whodoesntlovesummer



  1. First: It's lunch time here and I want that salad!

    Second: You and your boyfriend look so cute together.

    Last: How do you always manage to look so put together?! Hair, makeup,'re just adorable all the time!

  2. @Rebecca:
    (1) That salad is soooo good, the dressing is even better (haha creamy deliciousness that is NOT healthy :P)

    (2) Awwww :) He holds it down for the couple ;)

    (3) I do?! Well THANK YOU!! I certainly don't feel like I'm always put together, so thanks (again!) xo


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