Friday, April 12, 2013


I'm terrible at taking outfit photos, especially since it's been winter here for the past, oh, I don't know, six months.  Outfit photos inside kind of suck--bad lighting, boring scenery--but it's too cold to take them outside (except these ones turned out pretty good in my apartment).  I wish I had the balls (ie. warmth) to take outdoor winter outfit photos, but I don't, so until it warms up, well, you know the deal (did I mention it's snowing as I type this?). 

On the other hand, I do try and take a pic of my outfit daily and post it to Instagram (I'm @acoest1984).  I post all of these under #acolookdowns if you're interested.

So what is everyone up to this weekend!?

Tonight there might be a party and tomorrow I'm doing a photo shoot for Place d'Orleans (via my Vlogger gig) for an upcoming contest.  Very excited about this and will of course share photos with you on Instagram and all the details afterwards here on my blog.  Sunday is up in the air, but something always comes up!

Have a great weekend!

Related posts:
* See me on a transit shelter HERE.
* See me on the mall doors with my parents & by myself.


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