Thursday, March 7, 2013

Recent Workouts

As many of you know, I have been working out during my lunch hour with my bff for almost a year.  We really like this as we can head home immediately after work instead of hoofin' it to the gym.  It also seems to energize me and it's a nice way to break up the day.

Is it rushed?  A little bit.  Do you get sweaty?  Of course, but that's what showers are for.  Most of all though, it's worth it

We tend to do "short" (read: under 30 minutes) but high intensity workouts.  This maximizes our time, but at the same time, since we are on a tight schedule and need to get there, change, workout, shower, change and get back to our offices within an hour.  Additionally, the gym is at our work is about a five to six minute walk to get there; all something to take into account as an hour goes by quickly.

Lately, we've been making up some really difficult workouts and challenging ourselves (as I type this my butt is so sore from all the walking lunges, squats and stairs we did two days ago; you know what they say, the second day is the worst!).  I thought I would share with you some of our recent workouts:

Related posts:
* Fitness update (more workouts like above).
* Workout update (more workouts like above).



  1. Hi there!
    I've been reading your blog for a bit now...first time commenting these workouts are perfect! I was looking for things to do in my apartment when I don't feel like going out in the cold weather to get to the gym. I'm going to give these a try!

  2. That's such a smart idea! I wish I could workout around lunchtime, I think it would really help break up the workday. Unfortunately, I don't get a lunch hour :( so I've been waking up super early and getting a workout in before work because I hate going after work. I have to try these workouts - they look challenging!

  3. @Melissa D: Thanks so much for commenting! I too love that you can do these workouts pretty much anywhere, and they are soo challenging, which is the goal, right? ;)

    @AA: Aw thanks! It's impressive you workout BEFORE work! Whoa! I tip my hat to you girl!!

  4. Tough workouts this week! GOOD WORK!

    It is definitely not the ideal 'snitch' to have to cram everything into an hour, but we make it work. It is tough to get there, change, workout, shower, change and get back within the alotted 60 mins, but better than dragging ass at 5:30pm and making excuses not to go.

    I find it also helps to have a partner in crime. We hold eachother accountable and we push eachother to do workouts that are outside of our comfort zone and make it hard for eachother. You are good at things (side planks, bridges, leg raises, and more) and I feel like I am good at other things (pushups, stairs, burpees, etc.) So we push eachother and it results in a sweaty, tough workout each time.

    Can't wait to start running outside again, COME ON SPRING! :)


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