Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What is your biggest body hang up?

Okay, this one is a toughie for me because I don't really like to talk about this, except maybe with my best friend.  I don't like to openly admit, out loud, to others (on the Internet!) what my body hang ups are.  However, this is an open, safe space and we agreed to share and just be totally honest.  So, here goes nothing...

If I could change something about myself, it would be my...


There. I said it.

I just cringed a little.

No matter what I do, no matter how much cardio and how many crunches (and other exercises) I do, I don't see much change.  I can barely even get my muscles to feel fatigue the next day despite working myself so hard in the gym and practically falling over at the end of my workouts (I really try to push myself).

I know they say, 'Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym' and so maybe it's my own fault, as I simply cannot give up chocolate, dairy and dessert.  While I eat relatively healthy, and enjoy eating healthy, I really love those small pleasures of life, and I don't think I can fully agree they are worth giving up for a six pack. ...But, it doesn't mean I don't long for one (a woman-ly one).

Your turn: what is your biggest body hang up?

(Photo: that is the most flattering pic I could take, and I'm still cringing).


  1. I feel the same way about my abs! No matter what workouts I do, there is never much of a change in how they look. Even when I eat super duper healthy and cut carbs and dairy, my stomach flattens out, but there isn't much definition there. Sigh.

  2. @AA: Soooo brave! Thanks for sharing my 'pain'!! It was a relief to see someone comment and relate!

  3. Kudos to you for posting this!! I am in your boat - it's abs/waist. I think this is pretty common!! I know that for me, I'm an apple. When I gain weight, I gain it ONLY in my midsection. My legs look the same, my face looks the same, my hips don't change a bit. But my middle. Ugh. It makes me cringe sometimes. And I totally agree with you - it's the kitchen!!! I'm an avid runner, doing 3-5 miles 4-5 times a week - but it does nothing for my middle unless I change how I eat. I too love chocolate and sweets and dairy, so I doubt my abs will be my favorite any time soon.

    The Blue Hour

  4. I think you look great but I don't know if you eat that healthily - you post pictures of pizza, beer, wings, burgers, fries, bacon, home fries, eggs, etc. on a weekly basis, and that stuff is really bad for you...

  5. I think mine would have to be my calve muscles. I've always worked them out so much but they never get that toned look I want. I work out at least 4 days a week and it seems impossible!

    I have to agree on abs too - more lower abs than anything! I can blame myself partially though as I dont "push myself" hard enough sometimes. I have a very similar frame as yours (I'm also 5"11 - woo go tall girls!) so I feel like I can justify those indulgences a bit more than most.

  6. @Jamie: love your comment! Thanks for relating!!!

    @Ashleigh: I do post stuff like that, but those are not the meals I eat everyday. Yes, I go out to breakfast once a week, and eat pizza about once a month. I rarely eat fries and half the time I don't finish my bacon. I find posting the healthy stuff to be a bit boring, and also, I tend to indulge a little more on the weekend which is the only food I post as it's part of the 'Weekend Snaps' recap :) That said, I COULD cut that stuff out completely but I think I'd be pretty grumpy! LOL :) I do love to eat.

    @LandOfTheGlam: I didn't realize we were the same height! YEAH!! And yes, there is a bit more 'room' for the indulgences to 'travel' on us tall girls (haha, I'm thankful for that! :P)

  7. I think you look fabulous and IMO, a life without bacon and pizza would not be worth it to have 6 pack abs. :) My biggest body hang up is my small, tiny, non-existant chest. I've hated it my entire life. Many of my larger breasted friends tell me the grass is NOT greener; but I will argue that point. During and after my pregnancy I grew to about a D cup and it was amazing. I loved the way clothes fit and I just felt better about myself. Now they're even smaller than they were before (no fair!). Once I am done having children I will do something about it! :)

  8. My biggest body hang-up are my quads. It's a love/hate thing. I appreciate the fact that they are well defined, strong & muscular, but they can tend to look disproportionate to me. I'm 5'9 and have thick, muscular legs. I'd give anything to be 5'9 with thin/slim legs. Things like pants are hard to buy (because my waist is alot smaller in proportion to my quads). Also, boots are hard to buy because my calves are muscular too

  9. @Rebecca: I freakin' love you. Haha, I agree! I feel for you and as if they got smaller AFTER the baby! Seriously no fair! And I agree, after the babies *thumbs up* it's important to feel good about yourself and this isn't something you can change (with diet and exercise either).

    @Anon: I know what you mean! I have the opposite problems, pants will be so snug (muffin top!!) around my waist and then I'll be swimming in the leg area so I feel your pain, in the 180. And the point of 'love/hate', I soo get that. It's usually a tiny waist or tiny legs, not both (wah wahhhh!!!).

  10. My scar from having Ovarian cancer. It is big and U.G.L.Y.!!

  11. @Jill: Wowwwww. I can understand a scar making you feel this way. AMAZING you went through that. Strong woman!

  12. My ass! I hate it. It's big, round, not cute and I work out to get it fit and no luck. Ugh!

    Jeans are hard to find that flatter my behind. Pants fit weird sometimes and skirts squish it in and make it look worse.

    Lunges, squats, running, to tame these buns, but it is still big :( I want a firm, cute butt. Free of cellulite and flab.

    I will keep dreaming...

  13. While, I've learn to appreciate my body at every size I've been, the one thing that "bothers" me would have to be my hips & thighs. Don't get me wrong, I love being curvy, but there is such a big difference in my waist to hip ratio that it's hard to find pants (or shorts) that fit well. If they fit me in the waist, they're squeeeezing my hips and making my thighs look like sauseeege! And if they fit me in the hips & thighs, it is surely going to gape in the waist. Bleh!

    Ok... and another part I wish I could "fix" would be my arms! Even at my thinest and when I used to be a gym rat and did every tricep exercise possible, I could never get rid of the jiggle in my tris. ICK! LOL. I wish I had Michelle Obama's guns... hahahah!

    Thanks again for another fun "Let's Chat" topic. Keep um comin'!

    xx Love & Aloha

  14. Ok first ill be honest im only following this blogger because of her stomach and belly button, which I think is one of the best i've seen. Im searching for pics and I came to this.

    I know I appear as some random guy and possibly weirdo but I am SOMETHING in the fitness industry. The blogger has a stomach very close to asian women which is soft stomach and deep belly button. This is due to less overall muscle development in asian women and you'll notice black women with defined abs often.

    Apart from great genetics I will tell you these women with abs are not natural most of the time, We are talking thyroid hormones prescription uppers diuretics and yes STEROIDS.

    It appears unnatural to men you girls know its all about confidence so I say go for the crop tops but match them with low rise jeans lol!


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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