Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

The night before, the tree at my parent's house all lit up and ready.

My sister always insists we get up uber early on Christmas morning 
(confession: I snoozed two more times after this initial alarm).

 Our Christmas breakfast tradition: Mimosas & cinnamon buns (and croissants!).

Stocking time.

 New perfume I wanted.

 With my sister's dog, Piper 
(a little blurry, but she was excited about her new ball, and too cute not to include).

Earrings I have been coveting for over a year.

The family Gingerbread House (I didn't help, but took photographs, ha).

My favourite little girl, Peanut.

  After dinner treats (mostly home-made by my mom).

 Opening presents with someone special later on that evening (outfit deets HERE).


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  1. What kind of dog is Peanut? She is too cute!

  2. @Anon: Aw, thanks! I agree (haha). She's 1/2 Shih Tzu, 1/2 Bichon Frisé.


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