Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Catching Up

 My good friend's new baby boy (he is a mini version of his Dad; what a cutie).

 Frost on the windshield (so pretty; I'm actually quite surprised I was able to capture such a great pic).

Chai tea latté.


My fanciest watch and most inexpensive bracelet.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I'm playing catch up and thought I would share some photos I posted to Instagram recently as I figured not everyone who follows me here, follows me there (or even have the 'gram for that matter).

Life if finally settling back down to a somewhat normal pace after the holidays, which is kind of good.  I have yet to take down my decorations (which I never even shared with you all, grrr, sorry) but that's the plan for this weekend.

I am now intensively car shopping, thought I found 'the one' and then there was a minor hiccup... and so my car hunt has potentially restarted again.  I feel like I've been talking about buying a new car forever, and I just need to pull the trigger.  To be honest, it's a scary purchase for me and so that doesn't help the dragging-the-heels bit.  I want a new car, it is just so much work to get there (it seems) and I want to be really happy and excited about my decision.  Anyways, that's all on that front for now.

In other news, it's 2013!  I haven't come up with many new years resolutions other than do my hair more often (ha) and blog often.  I don't like setting massive resolutions; (did you know) only 10% of people actually accomplish or stick to their resolutions?  Apparently it's true, and I believe it. 

First off, I don't like setting myself up to fail, as in, setting a resolution that is so absolutely crazy, I will not obtain it even if I try my hardest.  Secondly, resolutions, to me, seem so daunting (if you make them that way).  So why not make resolutions more enjoyable and about enjoy the little things, the mini moments, the down times in between the fun times, etc.  (example, see my resolutions from 2011).

A couple of years ago I started doing resolutions by the month, which worked out well, for about six months and then I fell off the band wagon.  Still, it was a great way to focus on accomplishing a few small feats per month, and neat to look back on what I had and hadn't gotten done.  I may start this up for this year, it's not too late (it's never too late!).

Connect with me:
* Instagram (acoest1984)
* Facebook (acoest1984)


  1. New reader here from New Jersey! I recently found your blog and am loving your style and videos. Looking forward to using you for outfit inspiration in 2013. :)

  2. Take your time finding a car. Yes it's nice getting brand new but a car is just a depreciating assest, so if you can get one that is just a few years older you'll be good! Autotrader is a great place to look! Goodluck :)

  3. @Rebecca: Aw! Thanks for letting me know and the sweet comments! xo

    @LOTG: Thanks for the advice and calming comment ;) I'm all over Autotrader and thinking positively ;) PS - I took your advice (I hope!?) on the 'more enthusiasm' comment for the videos (and will try that for my next talk-over one). Thanks!

  4. I like the way you see resolutions! I think there is a difference between a goal and a resolution and they often get confused with one another. I create many goals for myself throughout the year, but as far as resolutions, I tend to think bigger picture, self-improvement, and making the most out of life! :)

    Happy New Year!

  5. what a beautiful life you lead. I always love your snaps. That Baby is adorable!!! And you are always so pretty!

    I don't usually set NY Resolutions either. Except last year I did: to be better at Thank You cards-which I actually did well on, so I was proud of myself, haha. Other than that, I just kinda use January to get off on the right foot and then hope for the best thereafter.

    Exciting about your car!


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