Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

Friday night dinner: spicy sausage, green pep & black olive pasta.

Friday night app:  basil, buffalo mozza & tomato on a whole wheat baguette.

Saturday I spent the day in Montreal doing a photo shoot (more to come on that).

Saturday night I was back in town to go out and celebrate my friend`s birthday.
Outfit deets:  Dynamite lace top & tube, H&M pants & Aldo booties.

 Me & the birthday girl (and her cool Hello Kitty glasses).

Bad decisions at 1am:  gravy coated pizza (really good, actually!).

Sunday morning breakfast: omelet & hashbrowns.

 After sleeping in, I did some shopping during the afternoon on Sunday.
Outfit deets:  H&M jacket (thrifted), sweater & tank, Rewash dotted jeans (from my trip to Vegas), Rampage boots & Aldo purse.

 The drive home.

Sunday night dinner.  Yummy!

 Fresh Halloween treats at 50% off; don`t mind if I do!



  1. you eat so well on the weekends! Your weeekend iPhone recaps always make me want to break into my lunch on Monday morning- well before lunchtime. haha.

    I'm so excited to hear about the photo shoot, you seriously look so beautiful in the shots!

  2. Oh my gosh. FOooooood. I haven't had sushi in a long time! (It's been several months, unfortunately.) There are a couple of really good sushi places in Indianapolis, though...I should go again. ;) And for cheap candy? No reason why you should pass it up. ;)

  3. My BFF and I LOVED your IG pics with the cute bow glasses. And the sushi and candy makes me want to indulge tonight! YUMMO!


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