Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 Hanging out with one huge toothbrush (which was actually for my friend's costume) on Friday afternoon.

Beautiful fall trees in the neighbourhood.

Friday night sushi date.

 Saturday morning surprise:  my favourite tea.

Late breakfast pit stop before running some errands on Saturday afternoon.

My Halloween costume this year:  Baroness.

 Sunday morning breakfast:  my first fritatta, cinnamon buns & grapes.

Sunday night dinner:  Extreme Pita.

 My new hat from Le Chateau (c/o Place d'Orleans)

My (second) fave:  peanut butter M&M's.


  1. you eat and live so well on the weekends! I LOVED that brown hair on you- looked incredibly awesome!!

  2. Where did you get that scarf in the first photo?? I LOVE it!!

  3. I've been following on instagram - looks like you guys had great weekend! you looked awesome in that costume :)


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