Thursday, September 6, 2012

Being Confident

Outfit deets:
* Zara sweater (new!) which I posted on Instagram and seen in my Zara haul video.
* Dynamite tube top worn as a skirt.
* La Senza bandeau (old).
* Aldo wedges which have been loved, and loved, and loved.  They are two years old and I've worn them with a grey pencil skirt & thin knit teal sweater, also with a top and skirt I made myself (a favourite post, actually) when these shoes were brand new, with a navy blue dress and lastly with a gauzy, draped vest I made.
* Accessories: Mexx necklace, F21 bangle, Gucci shades & A.Co Designs bracelet with charms.

I want to talk about confidence and being secure in yourself.  I think many people think these things come from having a perfect body, nice clothes and lots of money.  While these things help, they don't create confidence.

Confidence, self-assurance and being secure in yourself come from within.  It doesn't matter how big your muscles are (boys), or how thin your thighs are (girls).  In fact, sometimes these things are a pure facade for insecurities.  It's important to keep in mind what is important; kindness, honesty, and being true to yourself.  

The best confidence builder?  I think it's personal achievements and accomplishments.  Whether it's getting a good mark in school, praise from your boss for doing a good job, learning something new (and rocking it!) or simply doing something that pushes you outside your comfort zone.

Doing it on your own is key.

Being handed things is nice, and easy, but does it give you confidence?  Does it assure you, internally, that you could have achieved it on your own?

The answer is often no.

Proving to yourself, first of all, and then others, that you are capable is what will boost your confidence.  Don't do it for anyone else but yourself, others will notice when you are least expecting them to, and that, that makes it all the more gratifying.

Have you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone lately to build confidence?  If not, do it before the week is over.  Set one or two goals and go for it!  What is the worst that could happen?

Here are my goals for this week:
* Go on the scariest slide at the water park (that I really don't want to do!).  COMPLETE.
* Meet someone new.
* Make my new boss feel confident he can count on me just after a short six days of working together.
* Play in a baseball tournament and actually make an effort to catch the (scarily fast) ball (that is coming towards me.  Eep!).


1 comment

  1. This was special to read. Sometimes I think I have such low cofidence but have so much going for me. I feel like a failure sometimes because I dont tend to do most things on my own and always have somebody by my side during the tough times. I hardly ever prove to myself that I can do things by myself. Its only Tuesday though and I am making a list of small goals to start. Thanks!


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