Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

 We went to see Katy Perry 3D on Friday night.  Super good movie & very interesting.  
I could have skipped the 3D part of it, but it was still cool.

 Afterwards, we went out for beer & pizza on a packed patio.

 Saturday I ran around prepping for Sunday's Bridal Shower for my sister.
Outfit deets:  Old Navy top, Sirens shorts (new!), Bamboo sandals & Gucci shades.

 The veggies & dip I made for the shower.

 Special gifts for the bride-to-be.

This happened last week, and I only shared on Instagram
but it's so fun, how can I not share here too!?
Ended up going out Saturday night at the last minute with a 
bunch of people & danced the night away. 
Outfit deets:  H&M top, DIY denim shorts, DIY Aldo wedges & Old Navy clutch
 My new dress for the bridal shower & J.Crew bubble necklace.

 Amazing lemon-blueberry cupcakes by one of the bridesmaids.

Champagne showers...

The tradition in our family at bridal showers (my sister).


1 comment

  1. funnn! I adore your weekend recaps!!! they're always so well rounded. Movie, pizza & beer pretty much sounds like heaven right now. And yes, it's not yet 9 AM. haha.

    Shower looks great!


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