Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Condo Story: Purchasing My Own Place

Outfit deets:
* Fresh top (from Winners) which I've had for several years but don't think I've worn on the blog.
* DIY denim shorts which although I made them a couple years ago, I never wore them much and now I'm wearing them frequently; case in point, out dancing two weekends ago.
* Sam Edelman 'Sophie Low' wedges (new, ish!) which I absolutely adore.  Not only are they comfortable but they are stylish and a lower heel than I'm used to.  Seen with white skinnies & two shades of green.  (BTW, size down about half a size, I totally could have gone with the 9.5).
* Accessories: various bangles & Gucci shades.

It was simple: two bedrooms, a balcony, in-unit washer and dryer, hardwood, higher level floor, within the city and within my budget.  Those were the things I was looking for in a condo.  It wasn't too much to ask for, but for my budget, it was a little sparse looking.

I had been working with a realtor for about a year, on and off... most recently, on.  He sent me listing after listing (automated, to match my specific criteria) and nothing fit the bill.  We went to see place after place after place, one came close, but ultimately, nothing felt like 'the one'.  Although I was in no rush to buy (I love where I live, but ultimately I am renting and owning is ideal), it was getting a little frustrating after a place I thought was maybe the one, slipped through my fingers.  Turns out it was not the one and that happened as this was about to.

Then I found it.  The one.

A brand new build, located in the city and not even started yet.  The downfall?  Will be ready in November 2014.  The optimistic spin: more time to save even more money to put down (and have a smaller mortgage in return).

I walked into the sales office a few weeks ago on a Wednesday evening after getting a spray tan with no idea what was about to happen.  I thought maybe I would go in, get a price list, find out I couldn't afford it and walk out. 

Not the case.  At all.

I told the sales woman I needed a two bedroom, but that a one bedroom plus den might work.  We looked over the floor plans, prices and options.  I started to get excited.  The smallest one bedroom plus den was pretty nice.  And within my budget.  She told me the higher the floor, the more expensive.  Now, since I currently living in a high-rise on a high floor, I'm only interested in moving somewhere with a view.  The view I have now is pretty awesome, and it's so nice to be up high and as a safety factor, I like that I can leave my bedroom window open at night.  Then she told me only the 11th floor was available for this unit.  All other units were sold.  My heart dropped.  I probably couldn't afford the 11th floor.

She showed me the price list.

Then my jaw dropped and I tried to hide my excitement: I could afford the 11th floor.

I knew I couldn't sit on this, as it was such a great deal, it could be sold the next day if I didn't act immediately (there is only one of this unit, per floor, and all other floors were sold).  I gave all my information and we made an appointment for me to come back three days later to seal the deal with a deposit and signature (and to call them if I changed my mind).  I took my sales package, price list and floor plan and bustled out to my car in excitement.

The following evening I met with my mom to tell her what had happened, show her the sales package and share my thoughts.  By the end of our two hour coffee sesh, I convinced her I was serious and this was it.  She took the paperwork home to share the exciting news with my dad.  On Saturday, I asked my parents to come with me to the sales office where I would be putting down my deposit and signing the paperwork.  It was such a surreal moment and so very exciting!

So, enough chatter, here are the deets:
* One bedroom + den (aka walk-in closet / dressing room)
* Hardwood floors
* Granite counter-tops
* Stainless appliances
* Breakfast bar
* In-unit washer & dryer
* A balcony off my bedroom (sliding doors) and living room (regular door) with glass railings
* Indoor salt water pool
* Gym
* Underground parking (which you purchase on top of your price)

So now I just have to be patient and watch the next two years fly by (ha, right) before I can move in.  I'll keep you up to speed on the progress and all the fun details and ideas I have (I certainly have time for it).

Pssssst!  Those photos above?  That's me standing exactly where my condo will be built.  Exciting!

And here are a few from the sales office & signing my paperwork:


  1. congrats, that is so so so exciting! can't wait to see it (looks like I'll have to wait a while though haha)

  2. yay! how exciting for you :) can't wait to see the progress.

    BTW---I notice you use captchas on your site (the letters and numbers you have to type in to comment).

    do you get a TON of spam? if not, I highly recommend removing/disabling them (it's in your blogger options) because I sometimes find it frustrating to comment when I typed my comment out and then notice I have to tey and decipher the letters and numbers to post my comment. Just a suggestion :) I love your blog and want to comment as often as possible!



  3. I just found your blog!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your wedges!! SO cute :) And congrats!! xoxo Darby

    Obviously Obsessed 

  4. How Exciting!!! Congrats!!

  5. Oh wow, that is SO exciting! The apartment sounds amazing! And as we all know, the best things in life are worth waiting for... :)

    Life Etc

  6. Es eh are eh aichJuly 25, 2012 6:25 PM

    Amazing! Everything truly happens for a reason. This is the reason that the other places didn't work out and nothing else available. I am so excited for you and 2 years will honestly fly by. You will be moving in before you know it. WOOP!

    Congrats again, you deserve this and every other thing that makes you this happy in life.

    Lub ya xo

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

    And I'm LOVING your sandals. May have to grab a pair for myself!




  9. I just found your blog and will definitely be adding it to my daily view list. Congratulations on your new home! The next 2 years will fly by.

  10. The pictures show that you were really happy that time. I know what really made you happy was that you’ve found a beautiful place, you fell in love with it, and it suits your budget. You’re so lucky, dear!

  11. Hi A.Co! Just making sure you still got the hype for your condo. :D You're now down to a year and seven months! It's still quite a long wait, but that is nothing compared to the comfortable living it promises. Keep on with the preparations. That's the most gratifying thing you can do while waiting. And before you know it, you'd be waking up on the day you're all getting ready for. On that note, what's your later preparation after the walk-in closet inspirations? :)


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