Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thrifting Haul

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  1. Where is the green shirt from that you are wearing in the video?

  2. @Anon: Forever 21, but I think it's sold out :(

  3. omg you are so cute!!! first off, this means nothing to you but you talk SOOO MUCH like my friend erica that I'm just in love right now. So funny.

    I just watched the whole thing and it's so darling how excited you get about everything! i liked hearing your reasoning behind it all and you definitely pulled a good haul!!

    i love the mustard skirt and definitely think it looks great with the AE sweater. And i laughed about the dinner party comment "well, I dont' really do that" hahaha. You better do outfit posts in these!

    ps you are so personable on video my vlogs are the most awkward things which is why I do like one a year. haha.

  4. I love the video!! You are so budget smart, creative and practial, these ideas are so useful!!! Out of curiosity what budget suggestions would give to Angela Merkle to resolve the Euro Zone debt crisis?? PS, I love the yellow skirt!!!!!


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