Friday, April 27, 2012

Bad Reaction

Outfit deets:
* Old Navy button down that I've had for years.  The last time I wore it was with dark denim (flared this time), no cami underneath and the same belt!  Sub-concious inspiration?  Also seen with a leopard skirt and the white/grey striped version.
* Smart set cami.
* Sirens jeans which I don't think I've blogged before but do wear them frequently.
* Aldo wedges which I picked up last fall and am so glad I did because they are chic, comfy and easy to walk in.  Plus I love pairing them with jeans.
* Accessories: H&M belt & thick bangle, Old Navy bangle, Pandora bracelet & Suzy rings.

I am a bad reactor.  

If someone does something I don't like, namely someone close to me, I might react badly.

I like to be in control.  You can't always be in control.  Someone who likes to be in control but isn't can sometimes have a bad reaction.  


I have discussed negative qualities on my blog before; we all have them, it's inevitable, but it's how we handle those traits.

I had an interesting discussion with my parents last weekend about reactions.  Without going into too much detail, my Dad (who I consider one of the most laid-back people I know) offered up some advice on this topic.  Now, before I spill the words of wisdom, you must know that this is a very simple piece of advice, but very difficult to execute:

Don't react.

That's it!  That's it?  Yes, that's it.  Simple and effective, but certainly not easy.  

A counselor once told me when you are put into a situation where you emotions are getting the best of you, your brain immediately turns to 'fight or flight'.  If you take the simple step of taking a deep breath in through the nose and a big exhale through the mouth, the two options (fight or flight) will dissapate and you will be able to more calmly react.

So with those two words of advice, I have been putting this to the test since Monday, and you know what?  It kind of works.  That's not to say I didn't want to errupt at times or fly off the handle (or actually did for that matter), but it did put a thought into me that I've never had before: don't react.

Try it for yourself and see if it works!

And one from Instagram (follow me):



  1. We are very similar. A few years ago I heard somerhing that has stuck with me since....respond do not react.
    It has totally helped me in my daily interactions!

  2. Love those jeans!

    Your dad's advice is so very true. If you take a second to try and see where the other person is coming from, it often takes the edge off. However, training yourself to always do that INSTEAD of reacting is not that easy!

  3. Lookong hott <-- 2 ts for extra hotness, in this outfit! Love your hair, the outfit, the belt and shoes! Werk.

    Hope you're feeling better today!

  4. Looking hott <-- 2 ts for extra hotness, in this outfit! Love your hair, the outfit, the belt and shoes! Werk.

    Hope you're feeling better today!

  5. Very inspiring posts and blog, love your style! Would you like to follow each other?

  6. you look like a powerhouse here! gorgeous. I could not do jeans like you do.

    "Don't react" is great advice and easier said than done. But I would love to try.


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