Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Round-Up


Oh TGIF, literally T. G. I. F.!  I'm so pumped for the weekend; tonight will be a low key evening in and watching 'The Ides of March'.  On Saturday I plan to check out the new Marshalls that just opened up in my city with a girlfriend and that night I'm attempting home-made thai food (rice wraps & pad thai, we'll see how that goes).  Have a great weekend!

If my sewing skills suddenly improve, I'd love to try and make this.

Have you seen this slow motion ballet?  Incredible.

Don't forget about Earth Hour on Saturday night.

Want to dye your hair 'Rihanna Red'?  She shows you how to.

These boots are sweet and sassy (& cheap).

Have you ever consigned your clothes?  

Side-note: I'm totally obsessed with Instagram, are you?  If you use it, leave your user name below so I can find you.  Mine is acoest1984.



  1. your weekend sounds fun!!! I hope you enjoy. I love Marshall's, so easy to spend money there. I oddly find a lot of cool furniture pieces there.

    I want Rihanna Red! (that would look horrible on me, but a girl can dream...)

    We Instagram friends :)

  2. There is no Marshalls near me!! I'm super jealous. Please tell me if it's as good as we all hope.

    Those shoes are amazing. Seriously, why can't we live closer and share shoes!

    As for your skinny minny comment - it's the angle of the picture and the fact that I've been stupid sick lately and lost some weight from that. Which i guess is a nice side effect. lol

    Have a wonderful weekend!


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