Monday, January 16, 2012

Shit Girls Say

Have you seen this?  You've obviously seen this (over 10 million people have!)... and I'm posting it waaay later that I wish I was, but in all honestly, I was just turned onto this, so it's new for me. 

And hilarious.

If you're a girl.

I have watched this almost 10 times in less than a week.  

It's still funny.

There are two more episodes too!  (part 1 is my fave though)

Pssst!  Viv posted one about 'Shit Brides Say' and since I'm the MOH for my sister's upcoming wedding, I thought I'd share with you guys (and it's pretty funny too).



  1. I'm addicted to the whole series and spinoffs! Check out my post today for a bride version! hilarious!

    xx Vivian @

  2. I've never seen that actually! I hate to admit it but I say and do most of that. God, I am annoying!

  3. The original is the best! My friends and I watched it over and over. DYING laughing at how lame we are. SO funny


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