Sunday, January 15, 2012

Black Bean Salad with Feta

You know when you're eating something really, really yummy and (as I like to say) you don't want it to be over?  That's how I felt while eating this delicious bean salad.  A friend sparked the idea, I came up with the recipe. 

It's easy.  And healthy.  And filling.  And delicious. 

Don't like beans? 

You could use quinoa.

Hate tomatoes?

Avocados can be your friend.

Not a fan of feta?

Look, I'm not going to hold your hand.

See what I just did there?  I gave you options.  And that's what eating is all about.

Black Bean Salad
* 1 can of black beans
* 1/2 onion chopped
* 1/2 pint grape tomatoes
* Crumbled feta (as much as you like)
* Splash of lime juice
* Pepper to taste



  1. this is actually one of my fave salads! i make it as least once every other week! love it!

  2. Looks delish! Will have to add it to my try list!


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