Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Christmas (tree) Gesture

I have recently moved and really don't have enough space for a large Christmas tree, like in years past, however, was feeling pretty down about not having a tree.  The thought of not really decorating for the holidays is sad, especially since I love to do it (but again, minimal space).  

After having a bad day on Monday, and venting to my sister, she showed up at my office on Tuesday with a wrapped gift.  I eagerly unwrapped my present to find this sweet (three-foot tall) white Christmas tree (with lights)!  

She bought it for me along with some feather ornaments (I've been coveting a feather tree from Bouclair for two years now) to stick in my tree, since those feather trees are damn expensive.  How sweet is that?  And just like that, she made my year. 


  1. I LOVE all white trees! So pretty and so sweet of your sister :)

  2. Where did you and your husband move to? At least you have a little tree!

  3. Aww that little tree is so cute and the ornaments are gorgeous- very couture looking. What a great sister you have!

  4. Aww!! Your sister is so sweet to do that - gorgeous mini-tree : )

  5. This is why sisters are the best! That's so thoughtful.


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