Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Up the Ante

 Old Navy top, Parasuco jeans (thrifted & last seen here), BCBG heels (last seen here), Joe Fresh necklace,
H&M bangle & Bay ring

I am a creative person.  Or at least that's what everyone tells me.  I love blogging.  I love reading other blogs.  When I see others blogging about the most random things, I often find it interesting, fun and I enjoy reading it.  It can be as simple as a new snack they've created, showing off a pair of new shoes, giving us a sneak peak of their work space or simply giving us a glimpse into their day-to-day life.  So why is it with such simple ideas to blog about, and things I personally like reading on others' blogs, I continue to get bloggers block?  Am I not taking enough photos?  Am I not letting these ideas sink in?  Or am I simply not creative enough?

Creativity doesn't include listing what I'm wearing and why I'm loving it.  That's not creative, those are facts people, and if I could come across witty and humourously sarcastic,I might actually be onto something.  However, we can't all be like that  (and by 'like that' I mean have words that jump off the page at readers and make them snort their milk through their nose as they read, laugh, and enjoy those far-too-creatively-funny words for someone like me to come up with).  Ha! Ha. ha.  Not so funny, right?  

Regardless.  Let's up the ante, here, okay?  Stick to to me as I plan to lay the creative smack-down on this blog from here on out.  Okay, maybe don't hold me to that, what if I lose my creative juice flow?  Does anyone have a good recipe?



  1. you are an awesome blogger! :) I enjoy coming here to see your stylish ensembles! thanks for the shout-out, though that office is totally embarrassing right now!

  2. I think you're a great blogger. I love seeing your outfit posts- I think they express your creativity and they are inspiring. I think everyone falls in a blogging rut sometimes but I hope you keep doing what your doing because I love your blog!


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