Monday, June 27, 2011

Willing Something

Smart Set tee, Seduction skirt, Mossimo flats, Gucci shades, gifted Auslini bangle, Bay ring & F21 necklace

Do you ever will something to happen?  For instance, willing someone to text you and then it's like, 'Speak of the devil, you ol' devil you!' when they text you?  No?  Just me?  Do you believe in willing something to happen?  I believe in positive thinking and optimism.  Willing something to happen?  Sometimes... Coincidences?  Always. Apparently there are no coincidences.  Apparently coincidences are a product of willing.  And to be honest?  I believe in that.



  1. As you should! Was thinking about you yesterday! How are you? How's everything going? Need an update!! Things have been really great on this end! xoxo

  2. I kinda fluctuate between whatever fits me best in the moment, haha but I do will things!! Your outfit is so pretty, well done. :)


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