Thursday, May 19, 2011


 Mexx cardigan (last seen here), Sirens dress, Promise sandals (last seen here), Gucci sunglasses & F21 necklace

A couple weekends ago I got up earlier than normal, did random stuff around the house, got dressed and went out to get groceries (something I never attempt on a Saturday).  This was before the seven straight days of rain we've had.  Oh sunshine, won't you please come back?  Oh right, and I forgot the cliché blogger tagline: and this is what I wore.

Fun posts you may have missed:
* Healthier Strawberry Pancakes (weekend is a comin')



  1. cute outfit!! gosh if i would wear that out around here to go grocery shopping - i'd get weird stares - people just don't dress up and if they do, the makeup is so caked on...oh to live in another part of the world where dressing up - not even that - but looking put together and nice when going out to run errands is an every day thing and no big deal. oh someday maybe!

  2. This is such a fun but chic look. Love the shoes!! I think we are now getting your weather. It looks warmer there than it has been here the last couple of days. I am heading to Boston next week and I hoping it warms up there too! Seriously, it's almost June!!

  3. Looking cute and being productive on the weekend? Youre doing better than me!

  4. I LOVE this outfit. that sweater looks cozy! And chic. My favorite outfit is a simple dress with gladiators and sunnies. You look fantastic!

  5. very, very pretty! even for grocery store on a saturday, haha. Gladiator sandals are cute but look horrible on me, horrrrrible- either way, great on you!

  6. Love everything! You look so stylish :) Adore that slouchy gray sweater and those flat so chic.

  7. Aaah I just bought that necklace! Love the outfit :)

  8. i really love that cardigan. it looks like u can wear it with almost anything

  9. I love those shoes! And that necklace is so pretty.

  10. Love, love love those sandals.

    And yeah... where the hell is the sun? Granted, I've been gone for most of April and May, but seriously, blerst Spring ever (weather wise!).


    PS I've totally been MIA with my book being published and been a bad blogger (slacker). Will drop by more often!

  11. Those sandals are so cute and I love the longer cardigan over the shorter dress. The whole outfit says that you're transitioning seasons effortlessly!

  12. Very gorgeous outfit!

    Claire M.

  13. I just bought these sandals! So cute. Can't wait to get them in the mail. :)



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