Saturday, May 28, 2011


So I must admit I've been kind of crushing on neon colours lately... more specifically neon & grey.  The combo is so fantastic and perfect for summer.  The only problem?  The only neon I own are nail polishes and while those are fun, they aren't exactly the neon-noticability (did I just make up a word?) I'm looking for.  This is mainly the reason I resolved in April to make a skirt... a neon green skirt (okay, it's more like light lime with a hint of neon, but baby steps... baby steps)... which still isn't completed.  Le sigh.

China Glaze 'Orange Knockout' Zoya 'Lola'


  1. Me LOVES the orange and pink combo... crushin' big time!! Muah.

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. Love the nails! I love neon colors in the summer.


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