Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trip to Florida

My trip to Florida was fantastic.  I spent a week by the beach relaxing, reading, shopping and eating, and of course spending time with my parents.  They have rented the same condo for the past four years and I managed to get a cheap flight, so I flew down to visit.  It was so nice wearing open-toed shoes outside (and not just in the office), no tights, light-weight jackets and bikinis!  What a treat.  I'm back home in the snow now but with the longer days and milder temperatures, spring is on the way, I just need to stay optimistic it's coming sooner rather than later. 

 { peacocks on peoples' front lawns }

 { we saw the space shuttle take off }

Above: Me & my Dad  |  Below:  My two favourite bikes of the day

My parents and I went to Daytona Bike Week on my second-last day in Florida.  It was a long ride on the back of my Dad's bike (250km total) but totally worth the sore butt because it was so cool.  I saw a ton of amazing bikes, it was packed and it was such a nice day too.

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* Vacation Update (post written during my stay)



  1. sooo fun! i could use some of that sun right now, your outfits are so well put together, nice job

  2. Looks like a great getaway and spring is definitely on the way!

  3. Trip looks so fun! Love your coral scarf : )

  4. It looks like you had so much fun BBFF! (I knew you would) I love all your outfits and especially that green bag you have at the airport!!!

  5. How fun! Love all your outfits!

    Classy & Fabulous

  6. Looks like you had a great time!! I'm so jealous about the peacocks (so pretty!) and the beautiful weather!! Loved your outfits too!

    Keep smiling!

  7. Love your travel outfit! You like a celeb.


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