Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yesterday while at Walmart I couldn't resist these two Revlon nail polishes.  Now it should be known that I'm a bit of an OPI snob.  Since starting to purchase the brand over two years ago, I've rarely bought anything else (except the odd Wet'N'Wild and Rimmel colours here and there).  Now that's not to say I'm constantly buying nail polishes.  Au contraire.  At $10 a pop, I have to be selective of which colours I purchase because it's like a treat when I purchase one.  All that to say, I bought these ones for $4 (we'll see how long they last). 

When I buy nail polish, I always look at the brush.  I like fat brushes (aka, less swipes per nail) and was immediately turned off by Revlon's thin brushes.  However, I said to myself I shouldn't discriminate (haha) and decided to purchase.  With freshly painted nails, I'd say the brushes aren't terrible, the formula goes on very smoothly and offers great coverage.  I also found it dried a bit quicker than OPI.  I did two coats, plus a base and top coat (Rimmel 60 second top coat). I love the pewter colour, and did my left ring finger in a more silvery colour.  Know what I love even more?  The price.

PS - Hand shots are soo awkward.  Seriously.  I'm like, 'Are those my hands? Ick.'  Also, I'm definitely a nail biter but have been on-and-off letting my nails grow for the last year (I even had long nails at my wedding - and they were my own!).  However, I've been stressed lately and in turn, ruined my nails.  Bah humbug. 


  1. haha, handshots are really awkward! i hate them too. but at least the polishes look great. love this pewter!

  2. I can't believe I've never noticed your wedding band's lovely and unique!

    <3, natasha @ twenty-something blog

  3. I know what you mean about your hands. I hate seeing pictures of mine! They are super veiny. . not a nice look. I'm sorry to hear you've been stressing. . . that totally sucks. I'll cross my veiny/short fingers that the stressfulness eases up soon. But I do the same thing, you can tell my stress level by the length of my nails. I hope one day to kick the habit for good.

    So Random story. One of my IRL friends (and probably the first of all my friends to know about my blog) is really good to keep tabs on my writing and she notices who comments and also knows who my blogger friends are. So last night she and I were skyping and she goes, 'Oh, did you ever get to meet Amanda?' and at first I was like, 'Amanda who?' (cuz we weren't talking blog stuff, she just threw it out there) and then I was like 'Oh! A.Co!? Sadly no, it didn't work out.' and she replied, 'Oh, that's too bad, I feel like the two of you would have so much fun. You know my daily routine is check your blog and then click on Amanda's link on the side." I thought it was too cute and funny. Also, IT"S TRUE!! We do need to meet up. I am busy for the next. . . month and a half. But maybe a trip to your neck of the woods to should be in order?

    Also, the word perusing is one of my favourites.

    Have a wonderful day!!! Big stress relieving internet hugs being sent your way!

  4. Nail biter here! Such a terribly disgusting habit, but I'm guilty of it.. :/ I've been a lot better though!!

    I like these colors.. and I LOVE your wedding ring. I've never realized how unique it looks.. definitely compliments your engagement ring!!

    Me like the fur too.. is it a rug? a pillow? a vest?

    xx Love & Aloha

  5. Loving the colors. Your manicure looks gorgeous!


  6. I hate my hands in pics too. great polish choice though. I love your wedding band- I've never seen anything like it. It's so unique!

  7. Hahahhaa, glad to know I'm not the only one self-conscious about my hands and photos of my hands- mine are so bony and veiny! Ick.

    I LOVE how the fur on your boots turned out - so fun and it looks like they came that way!


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