Friday, February 11, 2011

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny...

Lisa Curran  |  Garage  |  Joe Fresh  |  Joe Fresh

 There are a few articles of clothing that when they fit just so, shouldn't be passed up, those include jeans, formal dresses and of course bikinis.  It's not everyday you find one that fits perfect with a great price, so when it does happen, I tend to take advantage.  And that's exactly what I did last week over the course of three mini-shopping trips.  Some may say it's too early to be shopping for a bikini, and while I'm not going away this winter, it's never too early.  

While I didn't like the matching bottoms for the Joe Fresh bikini tops, I do already have some bottoms that will work (and I like to mix-n-match too).  I was specifically thinking of this pair of red bottoms with small white polka dots (so nautical!).

See last year's bikini purchase here.



  1. Is someone getting ready for their trip to Maui next month?! hahahaha. I love the polka bandeau. Sexy fun!

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. Ahh, I just saw that little anchor printed bikini at Joe last week and was SO tempted! It's so adorable, this makes me want to go back for it! There were no matching bottoms in our store, though... hmm. But you're right, I think it would be easy to mix & match!


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