Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello Sister

My sister is one of my best friends.   I couldn't nor wouldn't want to make it through my days without her as she is (1) so much fun, and (2) is an amazing support system.  I met the girl when I was just 3 years old and while she used to annoy me, a lot, we are now closer than ever.  

Now that's not to say we haven't had our fair share of disagreements; her copy-cat tendencies, my dependency on her to play with me (that's what sisters are for, right?), and everyone being convinced that she was the perfect child (I mean, she did used ask if she could go to bed when she was tired... who does that?  Don't even get me started on that fact that she used to 'tell' on herself when she did something bad)... and I was not.  

However, there have been many great things about being sisters; me knowing exactly how she's feeling and being able to speak for her for several years when we were younger, 'No, she doesn't need to go to the bathroom, Mom', having someone to dress up in ridiculous costumes with on random days, and of course, in the later years, party with, laugh with, and share secrets with.  

Sister, you're amazing and I love you and I'm so lucky to have the best sister in the world that is you.



  1. you and your sister are so cute. aren't sisters the best?! (but we all have our moments :)

  2. you guys are so cute! that last photo made me go AWWWW

  3. awww so sweet!! my younger sis and i are best friends too. sisters are the best, always there for you when you need them!

  4. Sisters are the best, they're they only friends you know will be around forever and always know how to make you feel better xxx

  5. Me sis & I are totalopposotes, but within the past 3 yrs we've gotten super close!

  6. You guys are too cute. I wish I had a sister after all these fabulous pictures. I do love my brothers so much though.

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  7. Cute! I love having a sis too, but mine's 5 years older than me =P. Your gorgeous!

  8. You guys are so cute! Growing up I always wished I had a sister. I have a younger brother who annoyed me and now although I appreciate him, it's still not like the bond of sisters!

  9. I LOVE this post! You gals look superclose and can tell you have a blast together. My sister is one of my BFF's too, and even more than that. I think only sisters like us understand THAT type of bond. LOVE this post!

    xx Vivian @


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