Friday, January 7, 2011

Leopard & Resolutions

 Dynamite blazer (last seen here), Sirens dress, unknown tights, Aldo wedges (last seen here), 
Emily Elizabeth necklace (last seen here) & Forever 21 ring

First outfit post of the new year!  Ya!  So I figured I'd put this post to good use and offer up an outfit post, finally, and list out my resolutions.  I'm not really one for resolutions, I used to make them when I was younger and of course, never follow through with them, leading to a year of un-crossed off items and disappointment.  This year, I'm going to partake, but only in a half-assed way.  Resolutions?  Not necessarily.  Things I enjoy and would like to accomplish?  Yes.

*  Wear more lipstick (on weekends, especially) - why not?  I currently never wear lipstick, always gloss, but you know what?  Lipstick is fun and I'm going to incorporate it into my make-up looks.

* Continue to step outside of my fashion 'box' - when helping style my friends, I always encourage them to step outside of their personal fashion box.  This means, trying anything and everything on, keeping an open mind and not turning up your nose at something that might seem outrageous (outrageous to you, courageous to me).

* Meet at least two blogger friends.  I'm assuming this will be Emily & Kara as they both live relatively close, but who knows (Jamie & Sharon are top on my international list).

* Buy an SLR camera (I'm debating between a Canon & Nikon - suggestions?).

* Teach myself more HTML and advance my skills - this is mainly to help me blog better.  HTML annoys the F out of me, but it can be so rewarding, so wish me luck.

 { new lipstick:  N.Y.C. 407B, $3 }


  1. Like your take on resolutions :) I wish we lived closer so we could meet and hang out!

  2. Love your necklaces! Nikon D40!!

  3. wow, you remind me of someone i know so much :)

    Love this outfit, looking great!

    Have a lovely weekend!!

    Join my Giveaway and win Lauren Conrad´s Style Book!

  4. These are my kind of resolutions :) They're easy to do too, and don't really "feel" like a big list of things to do...

    I love your leopard dress, too x

  5. I would go for a Canon - so intuitive and user friendly and the shots they produce are amazing. Great non-resolution resolutions!

  6. Great resolutions!!! Particularly the one where you meet me!!! Also, you cashed in big this christmas! love it all!

  7. Ewwwww....html. I want to learn but my brain cries.
    And um... I am not that far away;)!

  8. Love the dress and your necklaces.
    I'd say a few of our resolutions definately align! I too want to improve my html skills, and I definitely need to update my camera. I'm a lip gloss gal too for some reason even though I go for bold eye make-up sometimes, I usually play down my lips. Maybe I need to mix it up...

  9. i want to wear more lipstick, too! as for cameras, I bought a Nikon DSLR and love it, so that's my vote!

    looking hot in that leopard, lady! woo!


  10. hey girl, gave you a blog award today because I think youre awesome!

  11. Loving that dress! You look great in it- i have been looking for a similar one to yours :)

  12. Giiiiiirl, you look hott! Love this outfit on you.

    Your resolutions match up closely with some of my own. Wish I wasn't all the way in the states so we could have a blogger meetup to discuss :)


  13. This is such a classic combo, super gorgeous!

  14. Fun outfit! Classy animal print!!So hard to do, but you definitely pulled it off like a pro. And gotta love cheap lipstick! Gorgeous girlie!!!

  15. Fun outfit! Classy animal print!!So hard to do, but you definitely pulled it off like a pro. And gotta love cheap lipstick! Gorgeous girlie!!!

  16. Such a cute post Amanda! This outfit is killer- Love the lipstick too!
    I also love that almost all of your resolutions are the same as mine (great minds think alike, right?). I've been meaning to wear more lipstick for awhile now... is there anything more feminine?
    Happy New Year! xx
    p.s I have a Canon Rebel T1I and I love it, but I've always had Canon's so I feel comfortable with them. I have a friend who has a Nikon DSLR and she adores it too... I think you just have to go for what feels best in your hand, they're both pretty awesome cameras. Good luck!

  17. loooooooooove the dress! those necklaces are so cute together. do they usually stay nicely next to each other like the photos or do they end up on top of each other after moving around?


  18. Aw, I love this post! Firstly the outfit is smoking (who would ever say no to leopard??), secondly, great resolutions! I am definitely not one for unrealistic goals but you have got some really great ones you can so easily do! Especially the one about meeting more blogger friends! Ahem, moi for example! lol. love it! And yesss we need to meet because we are so close together and you often come to Toronto! Let's make it happen lady!! :)


  19. You look so hot in this dress!! And you are on the top of my international list too Love!! (number one infact!) Happy 2011!!


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