Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home-Made Personal Pizzas

I love pizza.  However, ordering pizza isn't the healthiest nor the cheapest when you want it on a semi-regular basis (read: once a week or so), so I have come up with a way to have my pizza and eat it too (and not feel guilty).

What you'll need:
- Greek pita wrap (I like these because they are thicker, but I always get whole wheat or whole grain, etc.)
- Tomato sauce (any kind will do)
- Loads of veggies (my faves include broccoli, olives, tomatos & mushrooms)
- Any kind of grate-able cheese (I like marble)
- An oven, pre-heated to 400 degrees F

 Spread tomato sauce on pitas, layer with veggies and cover with grated cheese
Bake until cheese is bubbly and pita looks done / slightly-crusty

Voila!  (I enjoy mine with hot sauce)


  1. Yum! Looks delicious!

  2. o my goodness you just gave me a great dinner idea thanks! :)

  3. ive got a super easy pizza dough recipe if u want it. ive even frozen it so that on night when i get a craving i can have some pizza.

  4. Yum looks good! I love pizza :)

  5. YUMMMMY! My hub and I do these a lot too. So perfect! Looks delish! :)

  6. I've never thought of broccoli on a pizza but it looks so good

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl


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