Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gifts from Hawaii

{ the day I received the box I snapped these photos with my iPhone as I opened it up }

When one of my closest blogger friends Sharon told me she wanted to send me something in the mail, I was intrigued and excited.  Well, the package has arrived and let me tell you, girl spoiled me something good!  First off, she spent $27 in shipping costs alone, isn't that wild?! Isn't that so generous?!  I know!  Secondly, she sent me a whole box full of goodies.  Not just one or two things, a whole box full.  She decorated the inside of the box with magazine models (you can see in the pic above) and wrapped everything up in her signature print: Hello Kitty.  I can't believe everything she sent me.  It's ridiculously generous.  We've never met in person (hopefully someday we will), I've 'known' her for just under a year, but we've become great friends.  She lives in Hawaii, me in Canada, it's like worlds apart, yet, I feel so lucky to have made such a great friend through this amazing place we call the blogosphere.   

Sharon, thank you so much for these gifts, I love them all so much!

{ Maui cookies - they are so good }

 { Hawaiian lotion, chocolates & chips, some cute sticky notes & black ankle socks (not pictured) }

{ cute vest she sent with great crochet-like detail at the back }

 { la piece de resistance:  Jeffrey Campbell sandals!!  
My first pair ever!  Isn't Sharon the best?! }

Now that you've drooled over the amazing Hawaiian goodies and been saying to yourself, 'Wow, Amanda is so lucky to have such a great Hawaiian friend', head over to Sharon's blog and show her some love (and tell her to get better because she's been under the weather the past couple days).



  1. How sweet! She sent you some great stuff! And the SHOES! Im sure youre loving them :)

  2. I only just discovered you (via Maritime Shopaholic) and love your style and blog. The Shoe Room? Swoon.

  3. amazing! i love the sandals :)

  4. How sweet of her! I wanna go back to Hawaii...i miss it!

  5. Awwww A!! What a sweet post. :) I'm glad you loved everything. The vest and the sandals look fabulous on you!! I hope one day we'll really get to meet in person.. Love ya girlie. I'm slowly getting better... but not 100% just quite yet. :/

    Hope you're staying warm.. it's been STORMING here in the islands.. lightning, thunder, and they even had to close the roads today. :(

    Talk soon!
    xx Love & Aloha

  6. OMG...the friendship that you two have is AMAZING! I love that blogging can help create that. People from all around the world who would have never met, now can...via blogger :)) Your gifts are fabulous. Of course i'm drooling over those sandals. LOL

  7. So sweet of her! You should send her a box of Canadian goodies :)

  8. That is so sweet of her! It's amazing- the friendships that can be created through blogging.
    P.S Those sandals are gorgeous.

  9. Aww, that is so generous and adorable!! Elisharon is sooo cute! hehe what a great package!! :)



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