Monday, January 17, 2011

DIY Leg Warmers (& Vest)

I have been cleaning out my closets like crazy.  The other night I went through my sweater closet and purged, purged, purged.  Some items I will consign, but many will just be donated.  

There are a few things I'm donating that I felt could be used for DIY (it's not like I have anything to lose if I'm donating it, right?  Right).  I decided to make some cute leg warmers with this old favourite sweater from Jacob.  In the process, I made a vest too.  It was super easy and if any of you give this a try, send me your photos and I'd love to see 'em!

What you'll need:
- An old sweater you don't wear anymore
- Scissors

 Cut the sleeves off the sweater & voila
(I like the angle at one end as this looks cute on the feet when you wear them, 
however, you could just chop 'em straight)

 Dress 'em down with flats for weekend lounging (& wear the vest too!)

Dress 'em up with heels for a night out



  1. Thats a great DIY! Love how it turned out :)

  2. im never good at diy's! good thinking:) thanks for the music tip! though, its not really my music type:) thanks anyways.

  3. i'm too old to wear leg warmers but you are rockin' them! =)

  4. Amazing! I love how you put together this outfit :)

  5. such a cool idea! They look so cute!

  6. Aaaah!! I love love love love love this!!!! How cute do you look?!?!?!

  7. Hahaha! So cute and creative!

  8. this outfit is ridiculously cute. way to work your closet!



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