Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Subtle Stripes

Forever 21 jacket (last seen here), H&M top, pants & belt, Aldo wedges (last seen here),
Suzy necklace, Bay ring & Dollarama pashmina

Okay, so, I don't want to jinx anything, and I just might be doing so by writing this out, but, the weather has been so frickin' nice lately.  I mean, sure, I was away for the weekend, but, since coming back, nothing but blue skies.  I zipped out on my lunch hour to snap these photos as, hello, when I leave it's almost pitch black out, which is a huge downer.. and obviously not ideal for photo taking.  Ugh.  Regardless, I'm going to lap up the warmth while I still can and if that includes running around behind random buildings while a home-less man walks by just to get some outfit shots, then so be it.  Happy hump day!



  1. We've been having nice weather, too. Granted we don't get snow, but it's just been warmer than usual this time of year so it's nice :)

  2. It's the same thing here- the weather has been unseasonably nice. Considering I haven't pulled out the longjohns yet, I'm loving it! I love your outfit too!

  3. you look great :) i love the coat.

  4. It's raining here by warm. The darkness at 4 really is a downer...makes me so depressed

  5. so cute! love the shoes.

    I know! the weather was so nice in NYC and Chicago--soak it up!


  6. You're so lucky. The weather out west sucks! Our first major snowfall just happened. That means your area will be getting it in a few days . . . sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

  7. I am still dying over that coat from the last time you posted it!! I can't stop with my leopard obsession!!

  8. You are so lucky you've got time to take outfit shots during lunch!
    Fingers crossed your sunny skies stick around; and I love your necklace!

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. I love your photos today. Hooray for blue skies (and striped shirts). I am on lunchtime shoots or indoor night shots as it's dark at 4.30pm here in the north of England, so I feel your pain.

    Don't miss my first ever giveaway

  10. I really love the longer, waterfall back of the sweater! They're great for longer torsos and to hide accidental plumber crack!


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