Monday, November 1, 2010

Styled: Surprise Birthday Party

 { veggies & dip in shooter-style glassware }

When my girlfriend asked me to help style the surprise party she was throwing for her man, I couldn't say no.  We came up with a colour theme and went from there.  She came up with a great menu and did a super job preparing the food.  We made tissue paper pom-poms and I created the table layout.  She also asked me to stick around and play photographer for the evening, since she knows how much I love taking pictures.  The birthday boy was totally surprised and everything went extremely well, it was great.

{ the party planners - there is a foot difference in height! } 

 { mushroom bruschetta }

{ special ordered cupcakes }

{ cheddar popcorn }

 { pineapple chicken skewers }

 { inspired by something we had at our wedding }

 { photo frame decor }

{ 'patiently' waiting }

{ guest favours }

* I noticed that some of you have asked some questions in the comments section in the past and while I try my best to answer, either on your blog or via twitter, some of you don't have a blog.  I prefer not to respond to comments on my blog as not everyone checks back.  I do have a formspring account, where you can go and ask anything you'd like, even anonymously.  So, what are you waiting for?!


  1. You both look gorgeous and what a great surprise party. I gotta keep the veggie shooter-style idea stored away for the future!

    xx Vivian @

  2. The food and decorations look fabulous!

  3. The food looks awesome! And those veggie cups are such a cute idea.

  4. looks like you two did a fantastic job! the food looks awesome...mmm.


  5. love the decor and the food looks delicious!

  6. You did such an awesome job!! Everything looked great! I've decided colour themed tables are my new favourite, there is a lady who I"m sure you've heard about, but if not it's like her job to create beautiful table layouts. I can't remember her name but I have her tabbed on my other computer, so I will find it and send it to you. Love the shirt btw!

    Oh, and my mum went shopping this weekend and then today I saw a stack of things she was planning on returning and scored this great shirt! living at home has it's benefits! I feel like you would like it, i will do a post later! xx

  7. Holy crap! Now THAT is going all out. She should be a professional party planner man, that is amazing work!!

    Having a Net a Porter giveaway on my blog! Hope you can stop by :)


  8. Awesome! What a delicious, stylish party!
    Please check out my blog if you get the chance. Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks so much.


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