Monday, November 29, 2010

November Loves

 { a vintage blue suede coat I recently picked up }

With November coming to a close, and the cold weather rolling in, I've decided to make the best of it and capture a few of my favourite things.

 { decorating for Christmas and burning my favourite spicy candles }

{ cinnamon & sugar chips, tastes just like a BeaverTail }

 { a re-discovered studded bra top, still yet to be worn, holiday season here I come }
{ festive decor involving feathers = my fave }



  1. Where did you get that white feather tree? I love it!!

  2. I like UR blog ! :D
    more more more ! :)
    amazing !

    follow me and write comment if you want ;***

  3. I want to see more of your holiday decorations! :)

  4. Love the suede coat - the fur collar is so glam!

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. those chips sound amazingly good, and i'm smitten with your new coat! such a pretty color!!!


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