Tuesday, November 23, 2010


 Old Navy jacket, American Apparel vest, A.Co Designs top, Forever 21 skirt, unknown tights, 
Aldo wedges (last seen here), Joe Fresh necklace & Dynamite belt 

I wasn't kidding when I said these wedges might take precedent over my current faves - they've been getting a ton of play lately.  I've only had them for a week and a half and already worn them four times.  If you've seen my shoe room, that's playing favourites for sure.  This was the first time wearing them with the ankle strap and I have to say, quite impressive.  I could run all over the office, up and down stairs, all day long without any slippage.  Perfect! 

In other news, this might just be the world's tiniest umbrella that-actually-covers-a-full-grown-working-woman.  I love the look of it, it's adorable with it's lace trim and the sunny yellow colour is peppy... however, I never understood people's comments when I'd be using this umbrella.  Asking me if I got it in the child's department, or if my umbrella was, 'big enough?'  After seeing these photos, I might just have to get rid of this thing stat.  I look like some sort of wanna-be-child freak.  Look how small the shaft (shaft? stick? handle?) is!  I guess I'm channeling my inner-child.  Yes, that's it, my inner-child.  From now on I need to start using this umbrella instead... which I DIY'ed myself.



  1. I love the yellow umbrella so cute....


  2. Ah! I am in love with your adorable umbrella, too bad it doesn't do its job ;)

    xo Lynz

  3. I think the umbrella is adorable! It's a little small but so what, if it does the job and you like it, thats all that matters! I have a pink ruffled one from Forever 21 with hearts and eiffel towers all over it. I get strange looks but I don't care, it brightens up a rainy day for me!

  4. I'm loving it, you look adorable! I love the mix of browns, nude and black.


  5. Personally I liked your use of the word shaft. hahahah.

    I have an umbrella that is so big I sometimes discover random people hiding under it as I'm walking. No Joke.

    I would have to agree that the umbrella is missing something as far as umbrellas go. . but whatever it keeps you dry!

  6. Well I like the umbrella :)

  7. Your shoe room looks like my version of heaven.

    Great outfit today.

  8. Loving your jacket. And the brolly is great - I say keep it.

  9. that umbrella is actually my size. :) did you where leopard to work today, because i did too. :)

  10. Awww how cute are you pretty!? That umbrella is adorable.... and the shoes are Amazing!! I see hwy you're loving in them, I would too!

    How do you guys not have snow yet?! I came home and there are mountains (hahah relative term for MB) of it here! xx

  11. So cute! I love the little yellow umbrella, too. It gives it a nice little touch :) Awesome outfit!

    Stop by soon!

  12. trying really really hard not to buy those shoes as i have a problem of insomnia shopping. and they are on sale. and i want them in both colors. and you said that you can actually dance in them.

    p.s. my girlie number 1 would LOVE that umbrella. ;)


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