Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dinner for One

Tandoori grilled chicken & avocado stuffed flax pita

Ever have those days where you don't have much on hand to cook with, but are feeling something healthy, satisfying and good?  Me too.  All the time.  Tonight I was cooking for one and really didn't want to make a trip to the grocery store.  I had a few things on hand that I wanted to incorporate (chicken, avocado, cauliflower and sweet potato), but didn't want the standard, 'Chicken and veggies' meal.  Hmmm, after perusing online and finding nothing that used all four ingredients, I decided to make something up.  I ended up with this tandoori grilled chicken and avocado stuffed flax pita.  It was good, too (and easy - has to be easy, especially for nights like these)!  Here's how to make it:

You will need:
Chicken breast
Cheese (any kind, get creative!)
Tandoori sauce (you could use honey-garlic, teryiaki, whatever your lil' heart desires)
Pita bread (I like the healthy stuff and got a thicker, flax pita)

How to:
1.  Get out the panini press or BBQ.  Brush your chicken with your (tandoori) sauce and place on the grill.
2.  Cut up some fresh avocado and slice some cheese.
3.  Cut open one end of the pita so it's ready to be stuffed.
4.  Prepare any side dishes (I made a baked sweet potato and grilled up some cauliflower and carrots, however, the pita is pretty filling so you might not need this)
5. When the chicken is ready, put a couple slices of your cheese on and grill for 30 seconds (to melt).
6.  Stuff pita with chicken and avocado & enjoy.



  1. How creative!
    Good on you for coming up with something without having to hit the grocery store ... I don't know how to cook, but I see cheese in your pics, and to me, that equals DELICIOUS =)

  2. That looks really good!

  3. This looks delicious! Thanks for posting such beautiful and easy to follow pictures! Avocado and chicken go so well together...I've never had them on a sandwich, but I'm a huge fan of the two together in a salad. I'm going to have to try this! It's easy and right up my alley.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, too! Hope to see you back soon! xx


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