Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Tricks

 Dynamite jacket (last seen here), H&M dress (last seen here), Joe Fresh cardi, Sirens leggings, 
Aldo shoes (last seen here), Suzy belt & necklace & Le Chateau pashmina

Ahhh, the ol' black & navy trick.  It's no trick, it's actually my new fave colour combo.  However, I know, I know, this isn't exactly navy, it's a bit brighter, but, the effect is there.

I was complaining on Twitter the other day about how I'm not ready to succumb to tights.  It's not that I don't like them, it's just that once I put them on, they are staying on.  For six months.  I'm not kidding.  Winter is looooong and I'm a huge fan of skirts, which means I'm rockin' tights three to five times a week.  That's a lot of restriction.  However, I felt a little silly yesterday (even though, in my defense, it warmed up in the afternoon to a balmy +11 degrees Celcius) rockin' a skirt and fur jacket... without tights.  So, today, against all my might (especially since I wanted to wear skinnies but didn't have any other than jeans ... I need to do some laundry), I took the half-way-there step and pulled on some leggings.  This is sort of cheating, because really, I wear leggings in all seasons, but, they were used this time as a tight, so there.  Next up:  closed toe tights.


Oh yeah, I went and did some shopping on my lunch hour today and while browsing the racks, an elderly woman told me I was 'cheating' on my height, due to how high these wedges are.  Sorry lady, but news flash, I'm already 5'11, no cheating required.


  1. Great color combination, love it. I actually might go out and get some tights for a dress I want to wear Friday. Totally opposite situations, with our mild winters I hardly own any haha.

  2. sometimes youve just gotta stay warm lol

  3. LOVE the open toes. HOT HOT HOT!

  4. 11 degrees already? God bless Canada. Love your blue & black.

  5. I've always been a fan of navy and black together!

  6. Ooooooh, I love this outfit. I get angry when I hear people say they can't wear black and brown, or black and navy. I want to save your picture on my phone and show it to the next person who tries to whine to me about mixing the two shades!

  7. I love the outfit!! I wish it would get cold here in L.A. its been so hot, we haven't had any sense of Fall whatsoever :/

    XOXO, CC

  8. I love those shoes! I know I say that everytime you wear them but I do!! I am so boycotting tights right now!!

  9. I have that cardi, go Joe!! Plus, you look killer here. I agree with you about the's kind of depressing, but at least they still look stylish! xx

  10. I love mixing black and navy as well. I also like mixing black and brown and navy together... I think there aren't many colors that just cannot go together! You look great in that combo :0)


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