Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tonight I will stuff myself with the most amazing Thanksgiving feast.  I'm so excited!  My mother-in-law is making an incredible meal for us, slaving all day in the kitchen and I am so grateful!  She had us (all the kids) put in our requests for dessert several weeks ago, and I made mine known (pumpkin pie & coconut cream pie) immediately.  I so hope we have both because I plan on indulging.  Big time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians!

* Today is also 10.10.10!


  1. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!


  3. Happy Thanksgiving! At 10am my bf and i discussed making a dinner...we are BAD planners! LOL this is what happens when you dont live in canada.

  4. Happy Thanksgivingn A! Hope you have a wonderful night celebrating with family.

    xx Love & Aloha

  5. hope you'll have a fab thanksgiving hun !

    you look gorgeous with the polka dot dress :)


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